The sun in Capricorn keeps you on top form professionally. Aries knows what it wants and is confident that it deserves it, whilst Capricorn gives you the tenacity and drive to approach the goal and consistently apply yourself until the battle is one. This energy creates a real battler, a warrior who cannot be deterred from the path. With Sagittarius and Mercury, prepare for the unexpected. Fortunately, you are a fan of life’s twists and turns as you enjoy the element of surprise and the challenges posed by novelty and variety. Venus in Capricorn adds a sense of seriousness to love – you may be ready to make a mature commitment or to settle into a more adult style of love. How this energy manifests is dependent on your own character and expectations.
With the sun in Capricorn, you can expect to be spoilt materially and financially. Earth signs, such as yourself and Capricorn, are good at accruing and keeping money. Although drawn to luxury, status and style, you tend only to purchase things that have a practical purpose or that are classic and serve as investment pieces with time. You do not tend to be a frivolous spender unless you attach comfort and ego to ‘things’ so it is useful to be aware of this tendency within yourself and to curb it if it manifests. With Mercury in Sagittarius, an unexpected material gain may come your way. You are able to relate to humanity at large in a way that suggests fame, leadership or politics. Venus in Capricorn puts lady luck firmly on your side. With this placement, it will be difficult for you to fail.
A light, playful sign, the sun in Capricorn adds a heavy hand to proceedings. You may find that you feel anxious or distressed about the future or that you are influenced by melancholy and nostalgia. As a mental sign, Gemini must find a way to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Focusing on and challenging the little voice in your head is essential. Meditation can assist with this. Capricorn does provide strong will power so keep exercising this skill as it will serve you well. With Mercury in Sagittarius, there is an urge to be argumentative. Try to channel this into healthy informed debate and discussion. With Venus in Capricorn, you may be subject to coughs and colds. Take care of your throat by drinking warming teas and soups and resting your voice when possible. The throat is so important to Gemini as it is the funnel of communication.
With the sun in Capricorn, you are prone to misunderstanding your partner. Take some extra time to clarify your position and to compassionately understand their perspective. Rekindling your relationship is crucial. Spend some time relating to one another emotionally. Career-wise, this is a good period for you and you may excel and progress at a faster rate than is typical. This is because Capricorn rules the world of work and steadfastly applies determination, focus and consistency. Mercury in Sagittarius suggests that others envy what you have but by now you have learned to rise above this and to not be influenced by it. Venus in Capricorn may lead to some confusion and your mind may feel busy. Meditation can help you sort your thoughts.
Capricorn is a true battler even if it may not be apparent on the surface. This sign knows how to get things done and when mingled with Leo’s fixed energy, mountains can well and truly be moved! Any task or project that you are presently working on will reach completion and you may be ready to start something new. Of course, a lesson for you dear Leo, is to also learn when to let go. This isn’t always so easy to spot! With Mercury in Sagittarius, plans may not unfurl as expected and this can be frustrating, especially when you have your eyes on the prize. Know that there are many ways to the end of the maze. With Venus in Capricorn, be cautious when it comes to your health. Are you consistently eating well, drinking water and resting?
Virgo’s are keen communicators and you are very much in the mind. Your thoughts race a mile a minute. With the sun in Capricorn, your body language and forms of expression will charm the birds from the trees. You should not underestimate how the way that you express yourself impacts on others, especially if you work in the public facing domain. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages you to speak to elders with experience who can help you understand what is important to you in the now and which path to take. Venus in Capricorn brings new opportunities for those of you in work. Doors will open for you and your personal life feels smooth and unblemished. There are no stresses to deal with this week and that’s just how you like it. Keep your mind calm and cool with meditation.
With the sun in Capricorn, your time is spent having fun with friends, enjoying the beginning of this New Year. A social sign, you thrive on being with people and are re-charged by company, especially friendships that pique your mental interest. In love, there is a true sense of joy that overarches all that you do. Romantic and idealistic, you may meet someone who fits the bill. Mercury in Sagittarius suggests that something continues to trouble you and it needs to be brought into the light so that you can get rid of it. Remember, what we hold on to festers. We must learn to let go. Venus in Capricorn heightens your desire for beautiful and prestigious things as well as creativity and art. Your mood is jolly, and your calendar is bursting with plans.
Scorpio, you are a sign that needs to retreat fairly often into solitude to process the intensity of your emotions and thoughts. This week, however, owing to the sun in Capricorn, you will be dedicated to social activities. You want to be with people and socializing is the name of the game. As well as being in the mood for fun, you excel at work, as you are able to compartmentalize between the two and understand the need for both. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages you to continue to follow a healthy regime. Scorpio, you can really go to one extreme or the other when it comes to health. You are either super healthy or somewhat decadent in your approach. Health is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself. Venus in Capricorn urges you to control that fiery temper. Channel it into exercise.
What a good week for you, Sagittarius! Firstly, in terms of finances, you are doing well, and this gives you a sense of freedom that few possess. Secondly, you are able to make wise decisions when it comes to your family and what is best for them and you as a unit. Thirdly, your health and personal well-being are perfect. With Mercury in your own sign of Sagittarius, your popularity is heightened. People want to be around you as you are jovial, fun and funny as well as optimistic and enthusiastic about life. With Venus in Capricorn, your personal relationships foster a sense of immense respect and support which encourages you to be yourself. This is one of the best times of your life in terms of how good you are feeling.
Capricorn rules the father and with the sun in Capricorn, the focus is on the relationship that the two of you share together. Do you see any ways in which this relationship can be improved or strengthened? Professionally, you are at your best; reliable, dedicated, methodical, concentrated and consistent. You are also able to have those difficult conversations that others feel uncomfortable with. Mercury in Sagittarius, sign of blind faith, urges you to have faith in yourself. Be confident and secure. Anything that you can do to work on your self-esteem will be useful. For you, this may be something far more active. As you have perfectionist tendencies, you must learn to accept that it is okay to not always give 110%.
The New Year is a time when many people want to make life-changing decisions, but the time is not right, not quite yet, not for Aquarius natives. Hold off on making any big decisions. Let them sit for a while. You can always come back to them at a later date when things feel clearer. Society and your peers recognise and appreciate your amazing qualities as well as your uniqueness. All Aquarians are slightly eccentric and off-beat making you wonderfully delightful to know. You are certainly some of life’s biggest characters. With Venus in Capricorn you may rack up some expenses related to travelling. Life is enjoyable, especially in love. When you meet someone who appreciates what makes you you, you feel far more at east with yourself.
Pisces, you have been riding high on an amazing wave for some time now and you’ll be glad to know that this is set to continue. With the sun in Capricorn, you see growth and progression in all areas of life. Any target that you set your sights on is easy to accomplish and complete. Personally, and professional life feels smooth as if you are walking on a cloud. As a mutable sign, it can be hard for you to anchor yourself to a decision but by knowing this about yourself, you can take time to truly understand what you want before you act. Anything that cools the mind or quells the emotions will help to activate your gut instinct, which is probably your truth. With Venus in Capricorn, it is easy for you to fall in love, a deep, serious kind of life.