Your Weekly horoscope readings by the expert Vedic astrologers of astroYogi. Read on.
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You start this week feeling young and energized thanks to the sun in youthful Gemini. You enjoy spending time with young siblings and children. It’s positive for them, as you impart your wisdom and experience but it’s also beneficial for you, as you learn to play and engage your inner child. At work, you may make hasty decisions due to impatience. When you want something done, you want it done now! Take a breather, go for a walk and think twice. It’s important to not worry and be happy. Your home life remains harmonious and this week promises great things for your mother’s health as well as your own. If you dabble in property, you may be rewarded with financial gain. Put your business head on and figure out how to make this work for you. You feel mellow, calm and blissful this week thanks to Venus in Taurus, with pockets of excitement and restlessness, which are truer to your fiery nature!
Your methodical approach and slow and steady wins the race attitude generally help you cruise along nicely in life. You aren’t one for drama or messy antics and because of this, things tend to go your way. Your personal and financial life is in good stead this week thanks to the continuing influence of the sun in Gemini. Your spontaneous side emerges due to the sun in Cancer, which moves into place on the 16th. Make the most of this. You may feel less like yourself and more interested in socializing and traveling and going beyond your comfort zone. It’s possible that this energy will manifest as solitude. You might want to travel alone to reflect and think. Mercury in Cancer can muddy your thoughts so take time to enjoy the present. Venus in your own sign of Taurus brings you favorable luck and ensures that life yields to you in all ways. Say yes to the universe and see what comes your way.
Gemini’s who like to use their brains do well this week. You’re making a nice profit! If you are the provider for your family, this boost does you well and you spoil and pamper loved ones. With the sun in your own sign of Gemini, you feel sunny, positive and at ease with yourself. Your very best qualities shine through. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer, which will bring you further profits. This is a wonderful time to invest your finances. Health-conscious Gemini’s may take up a healthy eating regimen or yoga practice. If you’ve never prioritized health before, this may change. Your creative and artistic instincts flourish under Mercury in Cancer and you are advised to follow your talents. Gemini’s are natural communicators so any field where you speak or share ideas will benefit you. Venus in Taurus urges you to explore and your interest is in places of splendid natural beauty. South East Asia and Italy may appeal.
This is a good week to take it easy. What makes you feel relaxed? You would probably like to be by the sea or to enjoy a delicious meal. If you have someone to pamper you, let them. It’s so important that you nurture yourself. You have an endless well of love to give to both others and yourself so tap into this when needed. Let’s slow life right down in order to ease any mental, emotional or physical stress. You are an emotional sign who easily absorbs the energy around you. In some ways, this is a great quality as it gives you great sensitivity to the feelings of others. It can be bad news when it makes you feel awful! With Mercury in Cancer, you may have the opportunity to go abroad and it may be an appropriate time to do so. Venus continues in Taurus which blesses you with strong health and brings good luck. You may turn your mind to business matters. What is your dream career? This may be the time to get it started.
You were born to shine and don’t you know it. This month you still retain some of the glamour and glitz that could make you famous, or at least successful. If you continue to work hard, whether it be at the gym, at work or at a hobby, you will achieve a lot. Combine this with your natural ability to sparkle and you’ll be noticed. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer and you may lose a little confidence. Don’t worry. This is a good lesson in terms of keeping your ego in check. Rebuild your confidence by spending time with trusted loved ones and doing things that you enjoy. True acceptance is found inside rather than outside of us. Venus in Taurus continues to give you a boost at work. You may be offered a promotion, new job or project that provides you with a step up in the right direction. If your goal is to freelance or start a business, this is a good time to network and get things moving.
Virgo, the sun in Gemini suggests that something new is coming your way. It’s possible that you’ll fall wildly in love with someone that you’ve met through work or friends. Things also look good on the business front. Few signs work harder than you do and your consistent approach gets you noticed by those in positions of power. You are the model employee and you know it. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer, and you’ll be minded to purchase things for your home, maybe just a small trinket or some flowers but possibly something bigger, like a car or new furniture. If you need assistance with money, you will get it. People know that you can be trusted to pay them back. Venus remains in cheerful Taurus which is great for your friendship group. You’ll meet many new people who you instantly click with and who share your unusual interests.
You need balance in your life. When things are ticking along well, you feel content. When life becomes unjust, ugly or unfair, you feel out of sorts. With the sun in Gemini, you feel lucky and everything seems right. By the end of the week, on the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer, a wonderful planetary placement for the professionals amongst you. But Naturally, this week you will need to get your hands dirty and work hard, but if you do, you are guaranteed success. Mercury in Cancer is a good placement for your work life. It’s possible that you will visit a famous landmark or see something truly captivating. Venus continues in Taurus which can cause you to worry, often unnecessarily. As an air sign, you tend to live in your head anyway but it’s important that you find a way to deal with stress. Learn to be your own port in the storm. When you feel stressed, consider yoga, massage or other relaxing practices. Anything that quiets your mind is a bonus.
You are usually very self-confident as you don’t depend on others for your good feelings, but this week you may feel a bit out of sorts. If coupled, you should spend some time with your partner. If single, quality time with family, friends and most importantly yourself will help. You need connection and not the shallow, superficial kind. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer and your energy levels change dramatically. Now you feel lucky, in love with life and enthusiastic. The effects of Mercury in Gemini remain and this proves to be a brilliant time for political leaders. Venus in Taurus lends a beautiful sense of support and harmony to your romantic life. Your spouse takes cares of you and encourages you in all that you do. If single, you are very likely to meet a partner who exceeds your expectations but you must put yourself out there in order to meet them!
When someone is doing so well, others can become jealous but don’t let this put you off what you are doing. Take it as a compliment that you are doing something right. Venus in Taurus is a continuing placement and you may become a little lazy. Keep on the right path. Don’t drop off now! With the sun in Gemini, your thoughts turn to companionship and marriage may be on the cards for you. You’ll need a partner who loves life, fun, and freedom as much as you do. There is healthy competition in the workplace but this motivates you to do your best. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer which puts the spotlight on your professional life. You need more focus so try to get your head down. Your conversational style is honest and blunt, which can ruffle a few feathers. Even if you put your foot in it and say the wrong thing, people will still respond well to you overall.
You’re sitting on top of the world right now Capricorn. The world is your oyster. Professionally, you are making great progress and romantically you are content. For those of you in established relationships, you feel that your relationship continues to grow. Love is important to you because it gives you a sense of duty and purpose. Make sure that you don’t neglect it. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer which lends a blissful quality to your love life. You want to spend more time at home, surrounded by loved ones. Although you will remain consistent at work, your own life will be more important to you. You can enjoy hobbies and interests that you may have put on the backburner. With Venus in Taurus, whatever you do is lent gravitas and impact. You will probably turn this energy towards professional goals but it may be directed towards your relationship or more personal goals. Romantically, there is sizzle and fire to your relationships. If you’ve recently started a new relationship, your love will thrive.
Not one to seek out the spotlight, people notice you nonetheless. There’s a dazzle of brilliance and individuality to you and you truly are one of a kind. With the sun in Gemini, the air element is exaggerated right now. You are curious, intelligent and playful and others are enchanted by your witty observations. You may be recognized for your writing, conversational or art so keep honing your craft. You attract new partners just by being yourself. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer, which pushes you to excel. Life feels very easy right now and you can complete tasks and duties with ease. With Mercury in Gemini, those of you who are studying will get a brain boost. With Venus, the sign of love in earthy Taurus, hard work generates reward and you are keen to treat yourself and so you should.
Sweet Pisces, this week you feel appreciated for the kind soul that you are. You can be truly selfless and finally, people are acknowledging all that you do for them. Although solitude is vital, you will enjoy spending time with family and friends whilst the sun remains in Gemini. On the 16th, the sun moves into Cancer which is a good period for you. You are full of good ideas and innovation and may come up with something unique and memorable. You need to have faith in yourself and have the confidence to push your ideas forward. If in love, you will want to marry and start a family. You feel nostalgic and sentimental. Venus remains in Taurus and you will want to take many indulgent, comfortable and joyful short trips. Financially, you are stable and you long to indulge in the good life. Surrounding yourself with beautiful, comforting and meaningful things helps you make a house a home.
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