Your Weekly horoscope readings by the expert Vedic astrologers of astroYogi. Read on.
How is your savings account holding up Aries? Chances are, it’s bulging! This good fortune is set to continue. The lucky stars are shining down on you and money continues to come your way. You’ll also be getting innovative and creative when it comes to new ways of making money. If you’re a typical Aries, this might involve something outdoorsy and active. Life at home is enjoyable and exciting and you feel you’ve hit your stride when it comes to the balance between work and home. Mentally, you feel less fiery and calmer and collected which helps you harness that cardinal energy effectively. You’re more romantic than usual and considering settling down.
Taurus, right now it feels like one side of life is elevated (your work life) and another is neglected (your personal life). You might have become bull-headed and a bit career obsessed, but you can readdress the balance at any time. It’s important for you to spend time with family doing not much of anything, so try to find time to get this balance right. If you`re in a relationship, your partner may feel ignored; so how about telling them that they`re equally important? Even a simple gesture of making a delicious homecooked meal will be a good start. You’re a better communicator as of late and this makes you more popular with your friends and family. If single, you’re about to meet someone very special.
Gemini, you are usually a go getter! But lately, you’ve felt far more subdued. You feel lazy and don’t want to do much of anything. You may feel fatigued by social interactions and just want to sit and engage with your introverted side. Fortunately, your partner will enjoy spending time lounging around with you so enjoy this introverted time. You may experience minor agitation with your skin or throat so drink plenty of lemons, honey, hot water and ginger. By the end of the week, you may feel restless and have the urge to spend plenty of money. Try to hold back here. Enjoy spending some of your cash but ensure that you save the majority of it.
When your life at home is going well, you feel completely satisfied and fortunately this week, domestic life is truly blissful. You feel happy at home, with your partner and with your family. You feel as though you truly belong there and home has become a safe sanctuary. Your confidence is through the roof and you may behave out of character as you start to initiate things that you want. Your typical passive style may fall by the wayside; now, you are ready to be the aggressor. You’ll be involved in charitable courses, wanting to help the community and environment. Your demeanour is relaxed, focused and calm and if in a position of leadership, people relate to you.
Leo, you like to be in a position where you are able to shine. Your secret (or not so secret) wish is that people worship you, or at the very least admire you. You may feel that this wish is materializing particularly at work, as you are starting to excel in a way that is recognized. You won’t settle for second best, so if there is a role that you have your eye on, you’ll certainly push for it. Your life partner will support you in all work-related endeavours and this gives you the courage to continue. This week is especially great for those of you who work in finance and who are seeking out a new career. This week, you feel like the King, or Queen, of your chosen castle.
You are, at the core, a practical person and you believe that actions speak louder than words. Nonetheless, this week you are lucky and although you can utilise this luck with hard work and intention, there’s no doubting that luck truly is in your corner. With this surge of luck comes confidence and you can take this in any direction. On the romance front, you feel freer to speak up about anything that may have been bothering you and this deepens and intensifies the bond between yourself and your partner. At work, you feel happy and fulfilled as your workload is more manageable and you have time to focus on your personal life.
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You are, at the core, a practical person and you believe that actions speak louder than words. Nonetheless, this week you are lucky and although you can utilise this luck with hard work and intention, there’s no doubting that luck truly is in your corner. With this surge of luck comes confidence and you can take this in any direction. On the romance front, you feel freer to speak up about anything that may have been bothering you and this deepens and intensifies the bond between yourself and your partner. At work, you feel happy and fulfilled as your workload is more manageable and you have time to focus on your personal life.
You like quite ensconcing relationships and are all for the all or nothing love affair. At the same time, quite paradoxically, you crave space and you should honour this need in your partner as well. Trust that space from your partner is nothing to fear; it can foster trust as well as personal growth. This is a great period for a job change, so if you’ve been dragging your heels for a while, don’t delay. If your partner falls unwell, remember the things that they like and respond to, and put some time aside to take good care of them.
Do you feel frustrated lately, as though you’ve been putting in a lot of effort and getting little back? The key here is not to stop. You may be tempted to call it a day, especially if you are putting a lot of work into a new project or hobby. We need to accept that delays and setbacks are a part of life but they do not mean failure. Keep going and progressing, slowly but steadily and results will start to emerge. Things may not happen as quickly as you would like, and as a fire sign, you want them to happen straight away! Keep carrying on.
Capricorn, you don’t crave fame but you do long for recognition. If you are in a political position, both may come sooner than you realise! If you have children or grandchildren, you will receive happy news from them. In fact, your family is a source of much happiness and reward for you. You simply love being with them. Your marriage prospers and the bond between you and your spouse deepens as you share the glories of life together. You may feel a sense of frustration as things at work seem to happen slowly. Remember, slowly doesn’t mean never. Don’t give up. Just be patient and keep putting in the work.
How are you feeling lately Aquarius? Do you feel in control of your own mind or a prisoner of it? Your mind is so powerful that you can easily fall prey to it if you don’t remember that you are always in complete control. If you’re worrying a lot lately, meditate, focus and take action. There is no need to wallow or cause unnecessary stress. Don’t procrastinate, just go – this will make you feel better. New friendships are blossoming around you and you now have a good circle with whom you can share a laugh. A close circle is vital to your happiness so keep making plans.
This week is a bit paradoxical Pisces as you have two contrasting energies flowing through you. On the one hand, you feel proactive and raring to go whilst on the other, you feel lazy and uninspired by life. Your mood may fluctuate and dip as these two varying energies vie for control. You can harness the more positive energy by meditating, exercising and picking a time of day when you are more active and utilizing it! Factor in some time to relax and unwind and this may deplete some of that lazy feeling! The trick is to listen to yourself and what you instinctively need.
Traditionally Yours,
Team astroYogi.com