Your weekly horoscope (March 19th to 25th, 2018) analysis can provide insights on the crucial planetary movements and its impact on your life. Stay tuned to Astroyogi’s expert astrologers for horoscope analysis.
Are you still feeling a little low when it comes to self-confidence? You may feel out of sorts. It’s not a comfortable feeling for an Aries to feel that they aren’t the king of the castle. Your partner and your support squad remain helpful and compassionate to you at this time which brings tremendous relief. You are less socially active. It is more important to you that you get to spend some time alone, lost in thought. You may become an introvert yet, dear Aries! Although your personal life is fundamentally smooth, some issues may arise between yourself and your partner. With Venus in Pisces, your income may be set to increase. It is advised that you invest the amount immediately and avoid unnecessary expenses. It can be tempting for you to make rush, sudden but essentially wasteful purchases at times!
Do good ideas seem to be landing on you as if they were butterflies or birds? With the sun in Pisces, your mind is swarming with innovative ideas and by following through on these thoughts, you will find that you become more prominent, productive and proactive at work. People begin to look at you as the ‘ideas person.’ It will be very difficult for you not to share your thoughts when you can so easily see how things can be done better. Beyond the world of work, your personal life feels pleasant and you resonate with a joyous, happy energy that is palpable to others. You are stable in all the material ways that calm you and in love you are generous and radiate good times. With Venus in Pisces, activity becomes important to you. Stay away from too much pleasure, especially if it takes the form of food!.
Gemini is the sign of ideas, but often, you lack the follow through to make anything happen. You tend to like thinking about things and you may prefer the actual thinking to any kind of doing. You are definitely a creature of the mind. If you are able to focus on one or two ideas and make them possible, you will reap many rewards, giving you a good incentive to stop thinking and start doing. This week is an exciting one for you dear Gemini as love features prominently. You like love to be light and fun, balking when things get too heavy or intense. You may meet a partner who meets these needs very effectively. The message of this week is to keep being yourself. You will draw and attract good things with little effort. It is important to you that you are appreciated and this week, others are most certainly grateful for you.
Do you believe in luck? You are much too practical and grounded to truly believe in luck, however, there is definitely a touch of lady luck surrounding you this week which combined with hard work and your stellar effort, will really get things moving, and that’s what Capricorn adores, a sense of growth, achievement and movement. With the sun in Pisces, there is liable to be a strong sense of competitiveness at work but there is no need to fret as you will perform brilliantly. You may find that there is so much to do that you turn off your social calendar temporarily whilst you focus on what ‘needs’ to be done. Your friends may complain that they don’t see you so be sure to re-emerge at some point! Temporary tunnel vision will definitely ensure that you finish what you start.
Leo is not typically a worrier but this week, Pisces may be making you feel a tad more sensitive that is typical. You may find that you are worrying about quite serious matters, even if they seem way off in the future. There is a sense of tension. Relieving this tension is vital. There are various ways that you can do this, and they will largely depend on your character. You might exercise, see friends, write a journal, meditate or do yoga. What’s important is finding the right method for you. Leo’s can be quite ingenious when it comes to making money and you may find that you begin earning money in unexpected ways. You continue to be the life and soul of any gathering that you attend. People simply want to be around you and that’s fine by you. With Venus in Pisces, your rough and ready rambunctiousness is advised to relax a little and take care of your health. This can be a challenge for you as you tend to want to devote time to throwing yourself into whatever you can!
How are your relationships faring this week? You may still be experiencing some misunderstandings with your partner. This can be resolved by being honest and open and by actively communicating. After all, no partner can be expected to be a mind reader. When things aren’t well at home they can negatively impact your ability to concentrate at work so it’s better to resolve these issues as soon as possible. Stress is definitely not a friend of Virgo natives so if you can, continue to devote time to relaxing. It can be tempting to push this to the side when you get too busy but if you continue to do this, you will soon burn out. It is more important for you to de-stress than most other signs except for perhaps Gemini and Pisces. Still single? Love may be on the horizon.
Libra, you are always juggling and always trying to perfect that balancing act. This is a skill that you will perfect with time as you begin to learn what truly matters to you and what you wish to prioritize in life. This week, you will experience great health, perfect finances and a degree of unhealthy competition in the workplace. As you have a strong desire to be liked, this may be particularly uncomfortable for you. The best approach is to simply keep your head down and get on with what you need to do. This has been a wonderful time for you creatively and you may be at your very best, making incredible projects and artistic works. This is also soothing and relaxing for you as it gives you a sense of flow. Although you may not feel as confident as usual, you are still doing well this week and that’s what you need to remember.
This week, you enjoy that magical glimmer that makes you practically famous within your circle. If things have been going badly, your fortunes quickly turn around and this goes for all areas including your career, health and relationships. In love, it is still important to progress cautiously to ensure that you don’t give away your power or blur your boundaries too easily. You may be more susceptible to stress, and your mind may be plagued with worries, so it is important that you resolve this as soon as possible. You can seek advice from experienced colleagues or friends who may help you make sense of what you’re thinking and feeling. Venus in Pisces brings powerful transformative energy into your life. It may be time to clear out the old and bring in the new.
Remember that the magic recipe for Sagittarius natives is hard work plus luck. If you can stick to this formula, you will enjoy a tantalizing taste of success. This is a good week for you as life is a mixture of successful, prosperous and harmonious. It feels as though everything is falling into place. You feel joyful and happy and are magnetically appealing to others. Actions that you have completed in the past may become advantageous to you now. In love, this is a deeply romantic period for you and your partner or potential partner will appreciate it. With Venus in Pisces, whatever you want, you’ll get. That’s a guarantee. It’s impossible for things to go any other way. You may have itchy feet and desperately want something new whether this is in terms of love, work or anything else. Listen to your gut.
Worry can weigh heavily on Capricorn natives although you’d never show it. Ruled by Saturn, a lot of your anxiety revolves around the passage of time and its impact. At work, you bring a degree of enthusiasm which is addictive to those around you and helps to spur them on. If you lead a team, your mood will directly impact your workers. You’ll be busy but please don’t neglect your own health. Love is in the air and whether or not you respond to it, is entirely up to you. Remember work should be tempered with play. Keep your customary cool head and things will go well for you in all areas. It is easy for you to be responsible this week and to do what is required of you. You rise to meet challenges and responsibilities and take great pride in your ability to perform well and to be dependable in the eyes of the others.
Aquarius, this is a great week for you and you have much to look forward to. Firstly, it’s a financially great period for you and that’s never a bad start to any week. Secondly, romance is an enormous part of this week. A new love affair may be on the cards and it is one that appeals to your mentally, which is surely the way to your heart. If in an established relationship, your sense of fun and magic and adventure is rekindled, and you may wish to travel together. If you use your powerful communicative abilities wisely, you can make a huge impact whether with a partner or a colleague. Fate seems to be taking care of you and whatever you need or want, it will be provided. You simply need to have faith both in yourself, others and in the universe. This is a bountiful week, dear Aquarius.
Would you consider yourself to be a lazy sign? You have such a rich internal life that you probably see yourself as very busy. The issue is that what goes on in the mind doesn’t always translate into reality or tangible results. You are a great feeler and thinker and if you are not careful, thoughts and feelings are where things can stay. If you can ensure that you work hard and don’t be deterred, then you will reap excellent rewards this week. Your energy can waver, so you need to find a way to keep yourself on track. It is highly likely that your emotions will motivate you most powerfully. In love, there is a lot of warmth, kindness and sweetness from your partner which is hugely important to you and guarantees a reaction. This week is one of desirable results. What you want comes to fruition. All of your dreams may come true.