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Sagittarius Family Horoscope 2020

Talking about Sagittarius Family Horoscope 2020, this year is likely to give you mixed results in terms of your family life because the lord of 7th house Mercury is seated with Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu. But in the coming time, you will also enjoy the happiness of your marriage that will bring happiness to the family. This year, the second phase of Saturn’s movements will also end and the third phase will start. Saturn will gradually reduce the sufferings in your life. But being in 7th house of Rahu is not giving a good indication for your marriage. In this situation, Rahu can create tension in your marriage. Therefore, you need to be honest with your spouse and your partner to have a relationship of love and trust. 


At the beginning of the year 2020, Saturn will enter into Capricorn on January 24, which will be in second place from your zodiac sign. The second place is considered to affect family life and that is why your family situation is much stronger and there is the hope of staying in an atmosphere of love and peace. With this, you can get good support from an elderly member of the family helping you make important decisions which will be in your interest. In the year 2020 horoscope, Jupiter is going to enter into Capricorn which will create favorable circumstances. This will increase your reputation.


Family Horoscope 2020 will also increase your honor and status. Saturn's retrogression in the second week of May is not giving a good sign for you. Due to this, at this time you can have a loss of wealth and a situation of discord in the family leading to mental stress. On 14th May Jupiter will move into Capricorn. After that, you can see mixed effects in terms of mental satisfaction. Things will gradually become normal. By the end of September, things will move back on track as Saturn and Jupiter will turn progressive. Overall, you and your family are likely to be happy this year.

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