Pisces Finance Horoscope 2023

Pisces Finance Horoscope 2023

The year 2023 is going to give mixed results for the people of Pisces as per Pisces finance horoscope 2023. This year, Jupiter being the lord of your tenth and first house, will sit in the first house. Jupiter will remain in your first house till 22nd April 2023. It will be a very promising start to the year. There will be success in every work. Honor and respect will increase. People will obey your words, and you will get fame. Those interested in a promotion will get the first promotion before April 2023. And those who want to change jobs will also get success before April. This change will bring a substantial increase in income for you. This is an excellent time to apply for those seeking a high-level position in administrative services in the government; you will be successful. From 15th February 2023 to 15th March 2023 will be a time for you to earn a lot of money. At this time, Venus will be present in your ascendant during this period, where it will be in an exalted position. There are chances of you getting sudden money during this period. 

From 15th March 2023 to 14th April 2023, Sun will be present in the first house, where it will be in conjunction with Jupiter, due to which this time will be very good for those people who are doing government jobs or trying for government jobs. They will get jobs and promotions. This time will also be very appropriate for those who do contractual work with the government because they can get some big contracts. While everything is going well, suddenly, the situation will start changing after April. Because after 22nd April 2023, Jupiter will transit in your second house by changing the zodiac, which will be in conjunction with Rahu, creating Guru Chandal Dosh. In this situation, some people may go against you. There will be obstacles, and things might not work as you had hoped. Where people used to listen and understand everything you say, people will now refuse to understand you. But the increase in income will continue as per the  Pisces finance horoscope 2023. Saving money, meanwhile, might be challenging given that this year's spending will be high. Although money will be spent, it won't be wasted. Your funds will be used for investments.

On 30th October 2023, Rahu will transit in your first house by changing the zodiac, as a result of which the combination of Rahu and Jupiter will be disturbed. Due to this, you will get to see different types of positive effects. In this situation, your wealth will begin to accumulate and increase. Rahu will be seated in your first house at this time, due to which you will pay maximum attention to yourself and will make continuous efforts for your progress and will also achieve progress. As per the Pisces finance horoscope 2023, those employed can get transfers during this period, and those looking for foreign jobs can get a chance to go abroad during this period.

Astrological Remedies

  • Every day for 48 days, add two pinches of turmeric to your bath water.
  • Wearing topaz gemstone will be very beneficial for you this year.
  • Do Pranayama every day in the morning in an open place. Your positive energy will increase as a result, and negativity will disappear.
  • On Saturday evening, use your hands to throw four kilogram of raw coal into a river. Do this for three consecutive Saturdays between 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m.

✍️ By- Astro Sudeep

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