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Taurus Career Horoscope 2019

Lord of your 10th house- Saturn will be placed in your eighth house as we enter the New Year. There are indications that your Taurus career in 2019 will take you to new heights and new destinations, and you will find a lot of exciting new opportunities. You may come across an opportunity to go abroad or to a distant destination as part of work. Your ideas will be unique and will help you get noticed in the crowd. You should not obstruct the free flow of ideas and suggestions with your inhibitions. 2019 is the year for achieving the impossible in your workplace. Whether it is business or a job, whatever you undertake will reach its target as planets favour you on the career front this year. However, you should be wary of your enemies and colleagues. They will bother you the most during January when Venus will be placed in your 6th house. Be extra careful during this time period. Take all suggestions and proposals from an unlikely friend with a pinch of salt during this time period.

Your career progress this year will boost your confidence, Taurus. You feel secure in your position, and you are proud of your current status; however, this year is going to force you to push the envelope a bit. In June a long-term assignment which you were working on will come to an end. Your chances of going abroad will surface during this time period. You should put in your heart and soul for this assignment because this is supposed to earn you many accolades. Dear earthly friend your loyalty and perseverance will pay off, be patient.  You and your boss may not agree on certain matters; don`t say a word as the problem is likely to be resolved on its own. A very good time is indicated for business professionals as your long pending deals are finalized and you get satisfactory returns.

 If you are looking for a job in 2019, do not put all your hopes on one interview, you should keep on trying at other places as well. This is the perfect time for you to start preparing for competitive examinations and tests.

2019 will be particularly good for Taurus natives in fashion, business and medical fields. Businesspeople need to calculate your risks carefully before investing in new shares.

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