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Aquarius Career Horoscope 2020

According to the Career Horoscope of 2020, this year will be very good for Aquarians. With the presence of Mars in the 10th house, there will be new possibilities for you. Those who are employed in the IT sector will have success in their fields. Those who are interested in government jobs can fulfill their wish as they will succeed in scoring well.


The lord of the 10th house is in its own position this year, which is making beneficial conditions for your career. You will have the benefit of this in the work area. Your reputation will increase and growth opportunities will be created. With this, if you are looking for a new job, this desire will also be yours. Also, there will be chances for new business. But at the beginning of the year itself, on January 24th, Saturn will be in 12th place with your zodiac sign. From here Saturn’s movement will start and due to this you mightl suffer. Due to this suffering, your career will get distracted.


Jupiter will come in 12th place with your zodiac at the end of March. By this, you can think of moving away from your birthplace which will benefit you. You will get new opportunities in your career. Saturn will turn retrograde on 11th May. After which your problems may increase further. In the 2020 career horoscope, Jupiter will again go back to Sagittarius on 30th June. This will help you get started with your work which will benefit you. After Jupiter will turn progressive in the middle of September, you will once again make plans for your career. 


The change of Rahu on 23rd September is going to be in your 4th position with your zodiac sign which can create changes for you in the workspace. With this, Ketu will also be sitting at the 10th house from the 9th house, which will ensure success in the zodiac sign. Overall, this year is going to be the best thing for your career.

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