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Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2020

According to Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2020, this year can be good for you in terms of finance. Jupiter is the lord of wealth, and the lord of profit is the mercury. Together they are sitting with the Sun, Saturn, and Ketu in the 2nd house which is creating a good money flow for you. At this time your expenses are likely to increase but it can also be expected that this expenditure will be for auspicious and matrimonial work.


According to the Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2020, this year there are increased chances for you in happiness and prosperity. Mars is also making auspicious chances for you, which can fulfill the desire of the people who have been planning to purchase a vehicle. According to the 2020 horoscope, auspicious circumstances in the 2nd house is promising the potential for economic benefits for you. You can also renew your old house this year. The presence of Ketu in the 2nd house at the beginning of the year is indicating a good time for you in terms of wealth. Especially if you need to take a loan, you can easily get success in it.


In the last days of March, Saturn and Jupiter will be in the 3rd house, creating favorable circumstances. The vision of Jupiter is also falling on your 9th house, due to which you will also have plenty of luck by your side. At this time you can get benefits from any past investment.


Due to the retrogression of Saturn and Jupiter in May, things can get a little troublesome for you. In matters of money investing, you will have to work with discretion. Avoid taking risks of investment at this time. On June 30th, Jupiter will go back to Sagittarius, after which several transactions of money will move forward. On September 13th, Jupiter will become progressive. There will also be changes of Rahu and Ketu on September 23rd. Ketu will move into your zodiac and you are requested to avoid overconfidence in matters of transaction. 


On 20th November, Jupiter will go back to Capricorn again and you will feel the power of destiny and luck upon you. During this time, by fully utilizing your mind you can open your own path of economic progress.


Overall, the annual horoscope 2020 is indicating the possibility of raising a good balance for years.

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