Scorpio Family Horoscope 2023

Scorpio Family Horoscope 2023

The year 2023 will bring auspicious results for the Scorpio zodiac on the family front. Saturn, the lord of your third and fourth houses, will sit in the fourth house this year. As a result, your younger siblings will receive unexpected financial benefits. They will get growth in business, and new sources of their income will be established. People with younger siblings who are employed will get a job promotion, earning more money and improving their financial situation. If your younger siblings are looking to purchase a property, they will most likely do so during this time. From the beginning of the year, the situation will also be very beneficial for your older siblings. The month of January, in particular, can provide financial benefits to your elder siblings. During this time, you will also have the support of your elder siblings, which will have financial advantages for you as per the Scorpio family horoscope 2023. 

The period from 16th March to 31st March of 2023 can be a little challenging. Your older siblings' ability to support themselves financially during this time may be limited, but only temporarily. From 24th June to 8th July, the health of your older siblings may be of concern. The period from 25th July to 19th October will be especially beneficial for older siblings. They will have more opportunities to travel abroad, and their earnings will increase. This will be a happy time for them. Any of their unfulfilled wishes will be met. This year, Saturn, the lord of your fourth house, will be sitting in the fourth house, which may cause your mind to be slightly disturbed due to your mother. Your thoughts may be confused due to a conflict with your mother. However, if your mother works or runs a business, this time will be very advantageous for her since she will achieve a lot of success and the business will progress. Your mother might buy a new property this year. In addition, a new vehicle can be purchased in the house. The atmosphere in your home will be filled with happiness.

By 14th January 2023, the Sun will transit in your second house, due to which your father will benefit from wealth. You can also get monetary benefits from your father's side. You are also likely to get ancestral property this year. This year will be very beneficial from the family's point of view. From 13th February to 15th March, the Sun will transit in your fourth house, which will be in conjunction with Saturn. During this period, as per the Scorpio family horoscope 2023, there may be some discord in the family. There may be a rift between your parents. Because of this, the atmosphere of the house can be spoiled, so try not to create an atmosphere of debate in the house.

From 14th April 2023 to 15th May 2023, the Sun will transit to Aries, where it will be in conjunction with Rahu. In this situation, it will be important to take care of your father's health. The time from 17th August to 17th September will be very beneficial for your father, when he will gain money in business and business will increase. Scorpio natives whose father does a job may get a promotion during this period, as a situation of excessive monetary gains is created. By 22nd April, Jupiter, the lord of your fifth house, will be sitting in the fifth house. As a result, you can benefit from your children at this time, and some good news can also be received. 

Before 22nd April 2023, parents who want to arrange their child's wedding can expect positive news, and those who desire to send their kids overseas for higher studies will also find success during this time. After 22nd April, Jupiter will transit in your sixth house, where Jupiter’s union will be with Rahu. According to the Scorpio family horoscope 2023, you might worry about your child during this time, especially about their health. However, after 30th October 2023, there will be relief from health-related issues.

Astrological Remedies

  • Bring one and a half kilograms of gram lentils and two pieces of the whole turmeric, and keep them in a temple after rotating them seven times over your head. Do this remedy for three consecutive Thursdays.
  • Rotate one kilogram of jaggery and one kilogram of wheat over your head seven times and keep it in a temple. Do this remedy for five consecutive Sundays before 9 a.m.
  • On Saturday evening, wear an iron ring on your middle finger.

✍️ By- Astro Sudeep

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