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- Gemini love horoscope
Select your Sun sign for today’s horoscope.
21/3 - 19/4
20/4 - 20/5
21/5 - 20/6
21/6 - 22/7
23/7 - 22/8
23/8 - 22/9
23/9 - 22/10
23/10 - 21/11
22/11 - 21/12
22/12 - 19/1
20/1 - 18/2
19/2 - 20/3
If your marriage is taking place today beware that unnecessary arguments and frustrations do not crop up as today some small hurdles in the area of romance are indicated. The influence of inauspicious planetary positions can lead to troubles. Try to create as much harmony as possible.
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Today you will find yourself feeling lonely as your partner may not have much time for you. Use the day to find your own space, read a book or visit with friends and decide whether this relationship is for you. If you use this time away from your partner wisely you will come out the other side smarter and more self-aware.
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Today in the world of romance you will be playing the role of a peacemaker. For some reason some tensions have arisen in your household or in your relationship and you seem to be the only one who can resolve the matter. Be diplomatic and objective in your approach and the situation should return to normal soon. If you need a bit of time away from your partner, take it.
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