Numerology Number 3

Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month are ruled by the Number 3 Numerology and the planet Jupiter(Guru), the Guru of Devas.

Sagittarius and Pisceans are also ruled by this biggest planet, Jupiter, the planet of affluence, ambition, knowledge, and wisdom.

The quote that best describes the creative and the optimistic Number 3 is “If you are not excited about it; it is not the right path”-Abraham Hicks.

Associated with The Empress (3) card in tarot, Number 3 is all about abundance, creation, and growth while all the time warning against inaction.

3 Number in Numerology rises from scratch, starts working early in life and are quite fearless, independent and don’t like to be under the obligation of other people.

They are versatile and do better in a position of authority.

Facts about Number 3 in Numerology

  • Since this number 3 is a result of the combination of two numbers-one and two, it speaks about the lessons that one has to learn in order to move forward in life. This number is symbolic of a spiritual being having a human experience.
  • Because 3 is an offspring of 1 and 2, they often experience very intense emotions.
  • No 3 in Numerology is a masculine number.

Number 3 Numerology Personality Traits

Positive Traits

  • Numerology no 3 can be very creative and content with life as you are in tune with nature.
  • They can have an extremely positive outlook about life and would rather take things in their stride than be responsible.
  • 3 Numerology has excellent social skills because you are good at communicating, magnetic personality and are simply fun to be around.
  • Strong-inner voice that guides them always, also helps them to give sound advice to others and inspire them with spiritual insights.

Traits You Can Improve On

  • You need to discipline yourself more and complete all the projects you undertake without procrastinating.
  • You can find difficulty in dealing with challenges unless you are prodded on. You need to be more focussed.
  • Sometimes you tend to be over-dominating and allow your emotions to rule you.
  • You must learn to learn from your mistakes.

Numerology Number 3 in Career

Since you look for variety in life, you will be happiest in doing something that inspires you or you will keep changing jobs if you get bored.

You will do well as a stand-up comedian, chef, actor, musician, a kindergarten teacher or in the travel industry.

Numerology Number 3 in Love Compatibility

Super fun to be with, Numerology No 3 makes very good partners as they are extroverts.

The 3’s like to live a life of luxury without being fussy about allowing freedom and unrestricted movement in their abode. They will allow their partner to be creative with the house and never discourage them. Guests will always be a welcome part of their house.

They would gel well with the 5’s, 6’s and the 9’s. The 6’s will give them stability in life while the 9’s will encourage their creativity.

Lucky Colors for Numerology Number 3

Yellow and purple as yellow is all about growth and purple is about spirituality.

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