Mars Retrograde 2024

Mars Retrograde 2024

The retrograde of planet Mars holds extreme values ​​in Vedic astrology. It is considered a factor of enthusiasm and energy. In such a situation, if Mars in retrograde position, is in the horoscope of the person then it has a serious effect on the life of the native. Sitting in the horoscope of Mars in the retrograde state makes the person ruthless & heartless. However, for some it can bring good luck too. According to astrologers, Mars is considered a cruel planet. In this article, you will know how the effect of Mars impacts different aspects of your life!

Mars Retrograde 2024 Date & Time

Mars Retrograde On 7th December 2024, Sat at 05:01 AM
Mars Progressive On 24th February 2025, Mon at 07:27 AM
Duration of Mars Retrograde motion = 80 Days

Effect of Mars in Vedic astrology

Mars as a planet in Vedic astrology, makes the person powerful and fearless. The native has more mental power and is visionary. With the strong influence of Mars the native believes in taking decisions only on the basis of facts. With this, one is also able to give practical form to their decision. Such a native usually does not kneel under any type of pressure. It is impossible to pressurize such people to get their point. Instead of coercion, it is appropriate to persuade them. Otherwise they can also revolt.

Mars as Benefic in Horoscope

If Mars is effective in the horoscope of a person, then such people are physically strong. They have more capacity as compared to others around. The native is successful in sports if interested because Mars is also considered a factor that drives one's game. In this case, the grace of Mars blesses him or her to reach the peak in any game they pick. Along with this, the effect of Mars helps to work in police, army and fire teams. Such natives lack courage. Therefore they like to work in the field of security and defense.

Mars is Malefic in Horoscope

Planet Mars is malefic in your horoscope and makes you angry and violent. It makes the person take help from anyone without thinking or analysing. Due to which they end up facing troubles. In addition to this, the family life of the native is also painful as you are likely to fight with your partner without any reason. Which creates distance between the two of you.  In Vedic astrology, Mars has been called the factor of blood. So, on the health front it indicates lack of blood in the body. The person is likely to have low self-confidence and does not trust him or herself.

Effect of Mars Retrograde on Each House of Birth Chart 

According to the 12 houses mentioned in astrology, the effect of retrograde Mars is different on all.

  1. Mars Retrograde Effects on 1st House: If retrograde Mars is in the first house then the person is adept at lying. Such people have high ego and forget to understand everything.

  2. Mars Retrograde Effects on 2nd House: If the retrograde Mars is in the second house, it makes a person ungrateful. Such a person is likely to have wrong ideas and notions about attractive things and it can be women too. They keep running after materialistic pleasures.

  3. Mars Retrograde Effects on 3rd House: When retrograde Mars is in the 3rd house, the natives remain estranged from their siblings and family. Such a person becomes undisciplined and does not like to work under anyone.

  4. Mars Retrograde Effects on 4th House: If the retrograde Mars is sitting in the fourth house, the person becomes angry, obstinate and cruel. There are always fights likely to be seen in their families. Such a person does not listen to anyone, becomes autocratic and does what comes to mind.

  5. Mars Retrograde Effects on 5th House: Retrograde Mars in the fifth house of the horoscope is very bad. Such a person looks at his or her partner as an object only in the case of a love affair and lacks love. Such a person is likely to misbehave with women and children. Forces himself in every aspect on his partner.

  6. Mars Retrograde Effects on 6th House: The native is surrounded by diseases when retrograde Mars is in the sixth house. Due to not taking medicines on time, the disease is likely to increase. Such a person behaves inhumanely with those close to him.

  7. Mars Retrograde Effects on 7th House: When the retrograde Mars is in the seventh house, a person's mind is engaged in secret relationships. Such a person has high chances of being deceived in business. Court-court cases are likely to continue in his life for a long time.

  8. Mars Retrograde Effects on 8th House:  The eighth house has planet Mars sitting in it, then the person is surrounded by sorrows. Such a person is short tempered and can resign from the job because of petty issues.

  9. Mars Retrograde Effects on 9th House: If planet Mars in retrograde state sits in the 9th house, the native pretends to be a believer despite being an atheist and is likely to deceive people in the name of religion. If other malefic planets are effective in the horoscope of such a person, then it is possible that the person may also go to jail.

  10. Mars Retrograde Effects on 10th House: The retrograde of the tenth house distracts the native. Whether he wanders off for a job or to meet family needs. Nobody even trusts such a person.

  11. Mars Retrograde Effects on 11th  House: In the eleventh house, the native's friendship remains with people of lower status than him and his friends are not trustworthy. When the time comes, they leave and run away.

  12. Mars Retrograde Effects on 12th House: The Mars of the double sentiment itself is an enemy of its health. His diet and lifestyle are completely messed up, causing him to fall prey to many diseases.

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