House and Road Feng Shui Tips
House and Road Feng Shui Tips

Feng shui - Inside Your Home

You can use the principles of Feng Shui to position your furniture and interior décor in such a manner that it maximises the positive influences and minimises the negative ones. It is important to balance Yin and Yang. It is important to maintain harmony and balance in the home and can be achieved through strategic positioning of objects and the use of colour and light.

The left side of a room is the powerful Dragon, and on the right is the sleeping Tiger. Place things in constant use, such as clocks, electrical equipment etc. to the left, which is the symbol of power. The opposite half, belonging to the sleeping Tiger, must be kept quiet, calm and static.

Feng shui - The Living Room

Since it is the one room where all the occupants of a house gather, the atmosphere is thick with Yang. Clocks, televisions, fans and air conditioners are in constant use and have an all-encompassing effect. A round clock in white or gold in the west or northwest section of the room brings good luck. The best position is on the left side of the room and if possible, on the same wall as the main door leading into the room.

Paintings for the Living Room:

Follow these points to maximise the positive influences in your house.

Images of swimming fish signify longevity.

Lambs are symbolic of luck

Landscapes depicting sunrise, mountains or water signify hope.

Cascading water symbolises good luck.

Portraits of people with serene and smiling faces encourage positive feelings.

Paintings that are have dark or vivid colouring induce poor health.

Paintings based on geometric shapes increase destructive feelings.

Paintings that use the colour red excessively create a feeling of irritability.

Paintings depicting wild and vicious animals induce poor health.

Plants for the Living Room:

Most plants have a positive influence as long as they are not wilting. Cactii and plants with sharp spiky leaves are best kept out the home. Plastic or artificial plants are neutral and do not affect Feng Shui.

Carpets in the Living Room :

Choose carpets and rugs in colours that correspond to the direction you place them in. Carpets that cover the whole room should suit the direction of the room itself. If it is in the southeast part of the house, its colour should be green.

Pets :

Cats belong to the element wood, so the colours for their bedding should be blue, black or green. Red is a bad choice for cat"s bedding. Front doors opening to the northeast, south and the northwest make cats strong and healthy. The north and southwest are bad openings for cats.

Dogs belong to the element earth. White baskets make them ill. Choose brown or yellow baskets for them. Main doors facing southwest, northeast or south makes a dog strong, while those facing southeast or east make them ill.

Feng shui - The Bedroom

he bedroom, a very important room, is primarily associated with relaxation and comfort. A person needs to be sufficiently rested to perform well during the day.

It is best that you calculate the direction of your bed according to the year of your birth.

If the main door of a flat is directly opposite the bedroom door, the occupant of that room will face legal problems. Position a small decoration or a piece of furniture to interrupt the line of passage.

Bunk Beds :

One"s head should not touch the ceiling or this could result in ill health. The top of the mattress should also be atleast 16 inches off the ground.

Clocks :

It is not propitious to keep a clock immediately behind or directly in front of a sleeper. Clocks should be placed on either side of the bed.

Light Bulbs :

A light bulb directly above the head of the bed will turn the sleeper in to a nervous wreck. If hung above the centre of the bed, it will cause stomach disorders. The light should be placed to the side of the bed.

Dressing Table :

The dressing table should not be placed at the foot of a bed as it adversely affects health. Move the dressing table to any other position.

Bed Headboards :

You can draw on the strengths of the elements by choosing a headboard that corresponds to your element.

Round Shaped Headboards :

A round-shaped headboard belongs to the metal element. It is a good shape to choose, if you work in an office or are involved in paperwork.

Square or Rectangular Shaped Headboard :

Square or rectangular shaped headboards are for people who represent wood and earth elements. It is also good for professionals, as it encourages stability and offers support.

Oval or Wave-Shaped Headboard :

Oval or wavy-shaped headboards are ideal for people who belong to the element water and also for artists, musicians and designers.

Angular Headboards :

These are not recommended for anyone. It relates to the element fire. It prevents people from getting a good night"s sleep.

Feng shui - The Kitchen

The kitchen is associated with health and affects the general well-being of the family. The strategic positioning of the kitchen and the cooking appliances induce the free flow of energies

The Best Position for the Kitchen :

The best position for the kitchen is in the north, east and southeast corners of the house.

Feng shui - The Fridge

The fridge door should point away from the kitchen door. The fridge is Yin and clashes with the Yang that is brought in by the people walking in.

The fridge door should not be opposite the cooking range door, as the cold from the fridge and fire from the cooking range do not mix.

Feng shui - The Dining Room

Dining tables should not be placed in front of the main door.

A dining table that faces the toilet receives too much Yin and can negatively affect health.

A dining table should not be used as partition between two rooms.

If a dining table faces the kitchen or is in the kitchen area, it receives too much Yang and the diners might develop a bad temperament.

Air conditioning, central heating and fans are best kept on the left side of the dining room.

Feng shui - The Study

Desks are associated with career, and need to be well set up to take advantage of the position

Desk positions :

One should sit with the back to a wall and the desk in a corner.

One should avoid facing the door while seated as this adversely affects breathing and concentration.

Sitting too close to a door with one"s back to the door affects performance adversely.

Other Pointers about Desks :

Supporting beams above desks create pressure and tiredness.

A light directly above one"s head affects concentration.

A desk should not obstruct a doorway.

One should not sit too close to a window.

Clocks should not be placed in front of writing desks.

Feng shui - The Cooking Range

Shelves must be atleast 3 feet above the cooking range to avoid a detrimental effect on the family"s health. If necessary, remove any shelves that are too close to the cooking range. Shelves on either side of the cooking range are not affected.

A sink tap pointing at the cooking range creates digestive problem. A mirror placed above the cooking range reflects the negative energy away.

Water pipes can run under the cooking range but not under the floor below the cooking range.

Feng shui - The Sink

The best position for the sink is in the east, since that is also the direction of water. The next best is southwest.

If you are unable to change the position of a badly placed sink, make sure you keep the area around the sink dry when not in use.

Always fix leaky taps promptly and avoid leaving dishes soaking in the sink.

One should not sit too close to a window.

If you leave glasses around the sink to wash them later, first drain them of the water in them.

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