House and Road Feng Shui Tips
House and Road Feng Shui Tips

Feng shui - The Main Door

In Feng Shui, the main door has been accorded prime importance as it lets in or keeps out the vital life-giving force that promotes health, wealth and luck.

The best position for the main door is in the middle of the house. However, if your house faces the correct direction, it becomes irrelevant if the front door is positioned in the middle of the house or to one side.

If the door is not in the desired position, create as much space as possible in front of it and keep the area uncluttered. You could also paint the door in the colour that relates to the direction the door is facing.

Feng shui - There is Space in Front of the House

The Situation : An open space like a park, lawn or a garden in front of the main door of a house proves beneficial for its occupants.

The Effects : Having such a space will make the occupants of that house more relaxed and let them enjoy the ordinary things in life.

Feng shui - There are Windows on Either Side of the Door

The Situation : If the financial situation is bad, it may be because the winds of good luck are dragged out through the windows on either side of the main door.

The Effects : Place round-leafed plants on the window sills to prevent luck from flowing out.

Feng shui - There are Incorrectly Shaped Main Doors

The Situation : Every direction has a shape ascribed to it. The shape of the door does not correspond to the correct element.

The Effects : The door soaks up the luck of the occupants passing through it daily.

The Solution : The shape of the door should be changed.

Feng shui - Main Door is at the Foot of Stairs

The Situation : The front door of a house or a flat is at the foot of a flight of stairs and stands opposite the stairs.

The Effects : Ill health and lethargy dog the occupants of this house.

The Solution : Raise the threshold by about two inches so that one has to step over it to enter the house.

Feng shui - There is a Door Opposite a Lift or an Elevator

The Situation : The main door of a house, but most usually an apartment in a block of flats, is directly opposite a lift.

The Effects : The fate and fortunes of the occupants of such a flat are adversely affected.

The Solution : Place a convex mirror above the door outside the apartment to deflect the negative influence of the lift.

Feng shui - There is a Toilet Near a Main Door

The Situation : The toilet door is opposite the main door or the kitchen door. The air in the toilet is stagnant and such air should not be allowed to circulate in the house.

The Effects : Wealth is constantly flushed away from the house. If the toilet is opposite the kitchen, there is a constant clash between the Yin and the Yang.

The Solution : Keep the toilet door closed so that it is not visible as soon as one enters.

Feng shui - There is a Wrongly Assigned Door Colour

The Situation : Every direction has a corresponding colour attached to it. The main door is painted with a colour that does not correspond to the direction it faces.

The Effects : The door soaks up the luck of the occupants passing daily through it.

The Solution : The door should be painted in the colour corresponding to the direction it faces.

Feng shui - Eaves Face a Main Door

The Situation : The eaves of the roof of the house across the street, point directly towards the main door.

The Effects : The electrical devices in the house are constantly spoilt and occupants are prone to minor accidents.

The Solution : Hang a set of "keiloon" or chimera inside the front door and place a round convex mirror above the front door to reflect the negative energies away from the house.

Feng shui - Main Door at the Top of Stairs

The Situation : The main door of a house or a flat is at the top of a flight of stairs and directly in front of it.

The Effects : Money will tend to roll down the stairs. The occupants will find it difficult to save money.

The Solution : Place a concave mirror above the door outside the house. This pulls in money and keeps it inside the house.

Feng shui - There are Too Many Doors

The Situation : In some houses, especially the large ones, there are too many doors to keep the life-giving Ch"i force in.

The Effects : If the Ch"i is not contained, the home is devoid of its benefits.

The Solution : Keep only a maximum of five doors ajar. The doors that are not in use should be kept closed.

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