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Libra Finance Horoscope 2019

Your lord of health house- Mars will be placed in your sixth house along with Jupiter and mercury at the beginning of the New Year. Libra finance in 2019 will be strong and steady this year but you will incur significant health expenses. Don’t look for quick returns this year Libra; you will see steady but slow increase in your income. This is a good indication and means your finances are becoming strong and the progress you have made is here to stay.  You will be do very well professionally, and this will bring you added fortune. You might also be surprised by a bonus or incentive at work during March or April.  The strong and consistent growth in your savings will see a dip only during mid- 2019, when you may plan a vacation.  Don’t stress much on that, because you deserve it and it is also important. Parents may have to take up a loan for their children’s education or training during this time period. You will have to showcase your talent, and make sure you get due credits for your contribution on the work front. You will get noticed and, your seniors might consider promoting you. Those of you, who are looking for work, are likely to get some good offers, which will be better than your expectations. You will have to work a little harder to meet your deadlines during Mid-2019, but make sure you meet them. Teamwork is a must if you want to meet your targets ahead on time, so be mindful of your equation with colleagues. Those of you working in the IT sector have the chances of a significant pay hike; this can be due to a job change or a promotion. You will be able to pre-close a hefty loan which has been eating up a chunk of your earnings in the latter half of 2019. You need to plan and save your money accordingly from the beginning of the year.

You will be proactive about evaluating your decisions to invest your money and this will place you in a prime position to enjoy considerable rewards in 2019. A dormant investment or hereditary asset may suddenly start providing you with good financial benefits during September 2019. The Universe has an amazing way of showering you with overwhelming love, when you least expect it. The abundance of blessings pouring into your life is meant to be shared with everyone around you. Look around you to find the needy, a dear friend of yours might be facing a financial crunch during December 2019. He/she might be hesitant to ask help from you, but help them if you can, you will feel good. It seems things are going to be easy and breezy for Librans on the finance front during 2019!

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