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Aquarius Finance Horoscope 2019

You will be proactive about investing your money and this will earn good financial returns for you in 2019. A dormant investment or hereditary asset may suddenly start providing you with good financial benefits during the initial months. Look around you to find the needy, a dear friend of yours might be facing financial issues and may require your help during the early months of 2019. You should always reserve some funds to meet a few unexpected events that may have a huge impact on your finances.  Carefully go through any documents before approving them with your signature, especially during April-May months. Financially, everything will remain stable, this year. You will get extremely good results of any new ventures and businesses you start during this time period and these will bring you huge monetary gains as well. A small financial loss is on the cards during the Jupiter retrograde from 11th April. This episode will teach you a valuable lesson in business/investment.

Don’t go for hefty bank loans to fund your requirements this year, try to source it from your circle if possible. Around September 2019 expect a significant expenditure. This will not be an unnecessary expense, but something essential, such as medical or legal expenses which are unavoidable. You should not procrastinate about the things which you could have done with that money, as it is beyond your control. Life is usually very stable for you on the financial front, Aquarius. You have great respect for money, and you are always careful to organize your finances. In August and September of 2019, you should refrain from lending money. This might be against your generous nature, but you need to try and hold back this month. Learn to say “no” at times, it will help you in the future as well. In September you will feel much freer regarding finances, and you may reach out to the needy during this time period. October will be a prosperous time for you money-wise, Aquarius, and your pocket will be quite heavy! If you are thinking of making a large purchase, such as a new car/bike, new furniture or appliances for home, this will be a great time to acquire them. 2019 is the year to let your creative juices flow, Aquarius. Your free-thinking philosophy and unique ideas will be appreciated and recognized this year.

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