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Pisces Horoscope 2019

Jupiter rules Pisces and we will see the planet transiting, retrograding and entering progression state in 2019. The Pisces Horoscope 2019 has been put forth after carefully examining these planetary movements by Astroyogi’s expert astrologers. Mystical Pisces, 2019 will be bedazzling for you. Your ability to read people well and your understanding of your own needs should be capitalised in 2019. There are chances of a conflict with your mother during the April-May months of the New Year. You know by now how to self-soothe so make sure that you calm yourself down by treating yourself with something relaxing like a body massage.  Fill your inner well, so that you will never experience a drought of self-love. Comfort and joy matter to you so when you are planning a vacation in 2019 pick adventures far away from home that can feed these needs. Your rich imagination and a deep, sensitive soul will help you to showcase your artistic side in 2019. This year, you can expect new growth in spirituality and religious ideology. Intuition and gut feeling will help you a great deal this year, with business and personal relationships. Your intuition is one of your strongest qualities, not only you, but many of your loved ones also depend on it. Everyone around you deeply trusts your hunches, dear fishy friend.  

During April 2019, you will be called upon for help by a dear friend. He/she may ask you for guidance regarding a crucial matter in their life; it will likely be a dire financial situation. Trust your instinct on this one, and offer your friend the advice that immediately comes to your mind. Early spring of 2019 will bring you a wonderful and auspicious time of great positivity, my friend. You will experience a period of great health, energy and creativity during early January. During this time, artists and entrepreneurs will be able to produce great things in your business and artistic endeavours. By early December, you will see one of your biggest dreams begin to manifest! Hard work is a key ingredient for success this year; you need to reciprocate all that luck and serendipity from the universe with your honest efforts. You are not the competitive type, as deep down your kind and sensitive heart wants everyone to be successful. Your enemies are going to taste the dust in 2019, with the planets playing on your side.

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