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Aquarius Horoscope 2019

Saturn transits of 2019 are important for all zodiac signs, but since Saturn is the ruling planet for Aquarius, it is given more emphasis for coming up with the predictions for the Aquarius Horoscope 2019. You are one of the most independent signs of the zodiac; a perpetual seeker of truth and a true leader who refuses to follow the crowd. 2019 will be an exciting year for you as your ideas will cease to exist in the realm of your mind only and you will see many of your ideas turn into reality. However, the road is not as easy as you might imagine, the stars indicate that you will be faced with some strong challenges along the way; the universe will test your determination and consistency. Don’t give in to self-doubt and negativity, push through the trouble and you will find success waiting for you on the other side.  Being an air sign you might get obsessed with your opinions and viewpoints, as you feel they are crucial to your identity. Remember to relax at this time and take a step back from your thoughts. Sometimes a new way of looking at the world can bring in many benefits.  You will get an opportunity to be part of a creative project in the workplace during the first quarter of 2019. The project will be very appealing and interesting for you, and, you will completely indulge yourself in it. Your work and innovativeness will impress those around you. Trust your instincts and innovative ideas; this venture is sure to be a success. Springtime in 2019 will bring luck in love, dear airy friend, so be consistent with your efforts in that department. Expect a surprise gift from your siblings or cousins sometime around June 2019. Last quarter of 2019 may drain your wallet due to medical expenses; consider buying a medical insurance at least by mid-2019 if you don’t have one.

For health reasons, try to reduce sugar intake and processed foods.  A good diet is important for balanced emotions and mental health. It is natural for you to take charge in all areas. You bring a level of enthusiasm to anything you get involved in, in 2019. Endless opportunities are coming your way in all major aspects of life. You will make your partner feel grateful for having you in his/her life. At work, there may be a degree of tension during April 2019, but nothing that you cannot tackle. Fame has never been a motivator for you and it will be so in 2019 also, in fact, you see yourself above such things. The last quarter of 2019 is a romantic period for you, you will feel the need to share, exchange and communicate with your loved one. Romance will be even more exciting if your partner is an air or fire sign, sparks are sure to fly!

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