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Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2019

Fiery Mars bears the torch for Sagittarius love in 2019, as it is the lord of your fifth house. Mars will be placed in your fourth house at the beginning of 2019. There is an unexpected twist to your relationships this year. Your mother may influence your relationships and romantic equations in 2019! Though this maybe a bit tricky to comprehend, this is what the stars indicate. Love is an adventure for you Sagittarius! Your ideal relationship should be fun and breezy, full of frolic and flirtation. You truly admire your lover, and during January- February 2019, things will be light-hearted and fabulous. Toward the end of February, you may feel the pressure to take your relationship to the next level. This will be wonderful news: an engagement or a marriage will be the right move if you have found the right partner. You might feel overwhelmed, it’s quite natural, let this emotion ride, and do not panic. By the end of March, your acceptance will become tremendous joy, as you begin to realize what an incredible gift you have been given. If you are looking for love, you will have fantastic dates and exciting encounters during June and September. Have fun during this time period, but expect someone very special to enter your life and don’t be too casual with them. Pay close attention; this person is quite unexpected, a perfect match, too good to be true!

2019 is a promising year for your romantic life. Don’t waste your time ruminating over the ‘what ifs’ of your past relationships, and don’t hesitate to start new ones because this is the golden hour of your love life. You may have to make important some decisions regarding your love life; you may not seem ready for it yet. But deep inside you have the ability to gauge things perfectly and to take the right decision. You will have an opportunity to have a parallel relationship if you are staying away from your partner.  But take a wise decision and don’t be impulsive. Music and movies will be a delightful escape this year when you are going through tough times in your relationship. Plan an adventure trip like, trekking or rafting during December this year, this will help you to spend more time with each other and it will be a memorable trip for both of you. This year may demand a lot of time and investment in your love life, it’s important to invest your energy in areas you wish to see flourish. If your top priority is to be in a relationship in 2019, then side-line all other things for achieving this because the planets are on your side. But if you have enough reason to believe that it is not worth all that time and effort, you are the boss here and you get to decide.

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