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Aquarius Love Horoscope 2019

Mercury rules your love life and 2019 starts off with the planet in your tenth house along with Jupiter. Those of you who are seeking love should let go of their cognitive microscope, and, start accepting the gifts of companionship with more openness and gratitude.  Consider the character and intent of your love interest before disdaining the proposals that come your way. Those of you who are divorced or are recovering from a break up should not shy away from getting into a new relationship, there is good news for you as the stars are aligned in your favour and you will meet someone in 2019 who is really compatible with you. Major conflicts among married couples are seen in April 2019. Sort out things with a cool head, and be wary of what you say during those heated exchanges, because they may cause some serious wounds to your partner. Your personal life will remain stable throughout the beginning of this year, Aquarius. In March, you may be feeling a bit annoyed about the deeds of your companion. The reason for this distress is your high domestic expectations, and you feeling that your partner is not holding up to their end of the bargain.

Those of you who are searching for love may finally be shot by the cupid’s arrow, and, may get lucky during a social event in July 2019. The love-stakes would be high as you may finally have met the special one that you’d been waiting for. You are advised not to skip any such events during this time period, because you never know when lady luck might come knocking on your door. The chances of a romance blossoming at work are quite high as well. Seems like life is going to be all chocolates and love songs during mid-2019 Aquarian. Be a little subtle about your intense opinions and philosophical discussions at work in 2019. Try and make the first impression on your love-interest a gentle one. Dress well and pay attention to personal hygiene and grooming. Your helping and caring nature may be found most impressive by them. Financial difficulties may cause some friction in your relationship during September. Open communication is crucial, stay away from making assumptions as they are only going to lead to disasters. During December 2019 your love interest may have a chance to interact with your family. You should give enough clues to both parties regarding each other’s tastes and preferences to avoid any sort of predicament. Married natives may bump into their ex’s during the last quarter of 2019 unexpectedly.  You might start thinking about them more during this time period. Tread with caution as there are no treasures to be found in the depths of the past, focus on the present and cherish the life you have today. Spouse and children will be the source of energy for married natives in 2019, embrace the time spent with them.

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