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Leo Finance Horoscope 2020

According to Finance Horoscope 2020 for Leos, you will not be lacking in terms of your finances this year. In terms of investing, this year you will get very good results, which will make your financial situation even stronger. You can also try your luck in the stock market this year, though you will definitely have to bear the risks if need be. You are advised to do thorough research work very well, then you can stay in the position of profit.


The lord of wealth and profit, Mercury is also the lord of your zodiac and is present with Sun in the 5th house, from where it has a vision on the place of profit, the 7th house. Beneficial outcomes will be experienced by the combination of Sun and Mercury. Overall, this combination of planets for you will be financially profitable.


The lord of destiny, Mars is sitting in the 4th place, which is creating beneficial chances for you. You may buy a new home, a new vehicle or purchase a large property for you. At this time you can get benefits from foreign companies, institutions.


In the month of September, the progression of Jupiter and Saturn is indicating economic strength for you. Rahu will move away from the 2nd house, so the benefits that you were getting after big efforts will now be achieved easily.


At the end of November, Jupiter will come back with Saturn in the 6th place and will make favorable circumstances. Financially the deal that you were stuck with can be completed in this time. 


Overall, according to Financial Horoscope 2020, it can be said that this year will be financially good for you. You will not lack any money in any of your projects. You may get the loan as needed if you need it. A large part of your savings can be spent on buying a home or car, but it should rather be treated as an investment.

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