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Capricorn Horoscope 2021

The beginning of 2021 has you seeking the assistance of others, which can be both challenging and wonderful for a sign that likes to go it alone. As Venus moves into Sagittarius on January 4th, you are encouraged to network and connect. You may learn to rely on others a little more and see how much you can achieve when you collaborate. This is a very favourable period for Capricorns who have an eye for fashion or work in the industry. This is also a wonderful time for friendship and expansion. Your professional energy is at its best, and you may have the desire and enthusiasm to achieve anything you put your mind to. 

On February 21st, Venus moves into Aquarius and you enjoy financial abundance. As your hard work intensifies, so do your monetary rewards. This is a good incentive to put your all into your career. This is also a reminder that the life of your dreams can be achieved by sustained hard work. This month is also absolutely wonderful for your self-confidence and wellbeing. April can trigger property-related profits and enable you to purchase a new home or finally make an entry on the real estate scene as Venus moves into go-getting Aries on the 10th. A low mood may dog you, which is characteristic of those who are ruled by Saturn, and tend to take a very staid view to life.

Changing your habits and establishing positive routines can make a huge difference as you can see what is or isn’t working for your life. Your focus and discipline can take you closer to a promotion. As we move into May and Venus moves into Taurus on the 4th, your love life, as well as your career, begin to take off and you feel excited about things. What’s powerful about this time is that you will get the results you desire in all areas -- all you need to do is become mindful of what you want. 

You may need to take charge at work and become a little more assertive if progress is to be made. Moving past any shyness will be important. Relationships and marriages will prosper, as will relationships with children and friends. By June 22nd, Venus moves into Cancer and you are able to live a very expansive and bountiful life. You can live like a leader, a king or a queen – all that you desire can be yours. If you are single and looking, you may well find a new love at this time. 

Things are great financially, but you should not make any investments at this time. As we move into summer, there may be some delays at work. Exercising caution and prudence will go a long way. You feel stressed at times and may be tempted to give in to the temptations of excessive drinking and boisterous partying. Replacing these momentary urges with wholesome habits will bring greater long-term relief. 

September brings professional success and appreciation as Mercury moves into diplomatic Libra on the 22nd. You will complete long-pending tasks this month. You will grow in the workplace, thanks to your ability to overcome challenges effortlessly.  

Competition can push you to grow as you do like to prove your worth, though you should remember that you are worthy, regardless of your achievements. The last part of 2021 is positive and prosperous for you, especially romantically. However, you do need to be prudent, financially and professionally. You may feel a little low; just remember that true friends are just a call away. No man or woman is an island!

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Capricorn Love Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Career Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Finance Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Family Horoscope 2021

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