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Scorpio Horoscope 2021

You are at your innovative best as 2021 begins and you are able to generate a good income stream.  Transformative events occur when you tap into your intuition. Thanks to the impact of Venus in Sagittarius on the 4th of January, a beautiful sense of synergy is created and you will find it easy to balance your personal life with your professional life. This is not the time to make financial investments so keep your money close. As we enter February, you begin to shine at work. With Mars in Taurus from the 22nd, new opportunities for love and professional growth will come your way.

This is also a great time for those of you battling unemployment, as many opportunities will surface. Come March and it’s time to exercise caution in your love life as you may fall prey to deception. It is important that you see things as they are, rather than how you’d like them to be. As of April 6th, you will enjoy an excellent financial and professional period and you will make wise financial decisions with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, moving into Capricorn, the sign of ambition. 

This is a very special time for marriage or for entering into a relationship with someone special. This fortuitous luck continues into May with finances, work and career all doing well. However, you may experience a hiccup in your wellbeing and become drawn to introversion owing to the plodding nature of Venus in Taurus from the 4th. This can be transformative for Scorpio natives as you need the time to reflect before moving forward. As we move into June, your personal life takes on a blissful tone and this is a truly glorious time for romance and love. Your relationships will flourish. Professionally you may find that the fruits of your labour are delayed. You may feel a little low and lacklustre; your self-confidence will need picking up. Over the next month, things begin to excel professionally and financially. 

You bring a beautiful blend of excitement and enthusiasm to the month, which keeps you drawing abundance and plenty. There are also a great number of opportunities for those seeking change. This continues well into August with a period of tremendous success and achievement. Victory is assured in all areas. Financially, things begin to cool off in September so you should make sensible decisions about your spending. In October you may be prone to taking inventive risks especially in business. In November, Mercury moves into your own sign of Scorpio on the 21st and you begin to work at the speed of light but there will be challenges, though nothing that you cannot overcome.

You end the year on a powerful note with your finances, personal life and career in order, though there may be a few loose ends to tie. This year will deepen your wisdom, compassion and understanding of life, and you will experience the joy of self-worth as you reflect on what you have achieved.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Scorpio Love Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Career Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Family Horoscope 2021

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