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- Leo career horoscope
Select your Sun sign for today’s horoscope.
21/3 - 19/4
20/4 - 20/5
21/5 - 20/6
21/6 - 22/7
23/7 - 22/8
23/8 - 22/9
23/9 - 22/10
23/10 - 21/11
22/11 - 21/12
22/12 - 19/1
20/1 - 18/2
19/2 - 20/3
A new job will bring you lots of responsibility. You need to work hard to live up to the expectations of the company. Your technical skills will be tested as you get a challenging assignment in the office. Work sincerely and concentrate all your attention on your work in order to come out a winner. You are likely to succeed in your endeavour and would be handsomely rewarded for this.
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You are likely to benefit from your adaptability in all situations at work today. There are indications that this will bring some rewards and recognition your way. Do not be surprised if you are entrusted with some additional responsibilities. These would not only enable you to exhibit your hidden talents but would also boost your career prospects. Therefore, do not hesitate to grab them.
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Today you should be wary of getting into discussions with anyone regarding a business partnership. This partnership may seem promising in the beginning, but you would likely find that the relationship would spoil over time. Think very hard before signing any official documents at this time. It would be best to postpone any thoughts of a partnership for the moment and consider the matter carefully.
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