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- Leo finance horoscope
Select your Sun sign for today’s horoscope.
21/3 - 19/4
20/4 - 20/5
21/5 - 20/6
21/6 - 22/7
23/7 - 22/8
23/8 - 22/9
23/9 - 22/10
23/10 - 21/11
22/11 - 21/12
22/12 - 19/1
20/1 - 18/2
19/2 - 20/3
Those who work with garments or handicraft items will see a nice growth in their orders and their finances. There may be a huge demand for your products overseas as well. There will be an increased for handmade items at this time, which will be reflected in your improved business. Make sure you advertise yourself and your products far and wide in order to really bring those orders in.
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If you have been finding at work that your projects have just not been progressing and that your finances are flagging, you will find today that a breakthrough is imminent. Your hard work has paid off and you will finally overcome some of the hurdles that have been plaguing you. Use this time to progress towards your career and financial goals as they are attainable.
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Professionals are likely to watch their monetary intake really increase today. Put in those extra hours in order to get the most out of the business that is coming your way. Your personal efforts will pay rich dividends. Lessons from the past will prove helpful to you today as you are required to draw on some previous experience in order to make smart financial decisions today.
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