Leo female Love Relationship with Cancer male

Kundli Matching

Usually this is a good combination, since the moon (Cancer) reflects the light of the sun (Leo). There is a lot to be said for these two, especially if Cancer is happy reflecting the admirable Leonian personality. Leo`s huge heart will soon forgive the moody outbursts that Cancer may demonstrate from time to time, resulting from the strong influence of the moon, Cancer`s ruling planet. Cancer, more than any other sign, responds to the moon`s aspects as it moves swiftly through the zodiac. These two partners genuinely admire each other`s talents and accomplishments. Cancer will feel a bit more enthused around Leo and will probably let Leo run things or at least let him think he is in charge. Leo will appreciate Cancer`s attention and as long as Cancer can forget that she has been neglected at times when Leo is out running the world, there is every chance of the relationship working. Leo man has to bear with Cancerian moodiness. Leo should avoid being too domineering and Cancer girl should check her excessive docility. Sometimes she will be rather bossy and he, very stubborn.

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