Leo female Love Relationship with Leo male

Kundli Matching

These two are so alike in nature that some may have difficulty telling them apart. They are both romantic, need to love and be loved and can probably communicate with each other without speaking or making facial gestures. In fact they probably didn`t even read this because they already knew they were meant to be together. While this could prove to be a compatible combination, it may not always be true. Leos are positive people and love to be the centre of attention. They want to be the head of their social and peer groups. As the two are constantly competing for leadership, unhappy results can result from this. The only hope for a successful partnership is for the female to be content to rule the home and the male to shine outside. Two positive and strong-willed individuals, like two kings in the same country. This country may not be big enough for both of them. Both of them may be so much in love with love, that they may ignore this reality. These two possess between them, all the necessary qualities for an enduring friendship. As strong and courageous as they may be in times of trouble, they can also be insufferably arrogant and frequently be blinded by false pride. They understand each others swollen vanities, false pride and the need to be admired. There is a constant battle for supremacy.

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