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Libra Love Horoscope 2018

Love is usually the balancing act that keeps Libra’s feet planted on solid ground. Your zodiac has such a charming character, there’s little that you love more than being in a fulfilling relationship.

You’ll be reminded of the benefits of having a partner who supports you when Mars transits to Scorpio at the start of the first quarter of 2018. Although you may feel a bit stressed mentally, your partner will stand by you as the calming confidant you need to get through those issues.

Your partner will continue to prove that they’re willing to support all your endeavours, but Jupiter’s retrograde could make it a little difficult for Libra to reciprocate those efforts. Don’t beat yourself up about any hesitation you feel; just do your best to communicate with your spouse and let them know how much you appreciate having them near.

During Mars’ second-quarter transit to Capricorn could make you feel like you’re being pulled in many different directions. Professional demands may drain your patience, causing a bit of conflict on the home front.

It’s important to monitor your words and actions while you do your best to prevent things from getting out of control. When Mars retrogrades at the end of June, tension could worsen but you’ll be able to lighten the mood by choosing not to confront issues head-on. If you both take time to calm down, you’ll be able to come back to address your feelings with a sound mind.

When Jupiter goes progressive on July 10, you’ll experience the emotional harmony that made you fall in love with each other at the beginning of your relationship. Libras planning a family may use this renewed connection to take the next steps toward bringing your desires to life. You’ll witness dramatic improvements in your personal relationships, giving you a burst of confidence that’ll carry you through anything you embark on during the third quarter.

Mars turns progressive on August 31, reminding Libra of your powerful support system. Family and friends stand in your corner, cheering you on as you take the next steps in a project that means a lot to you.

Saturn’s shift to direct in Sagittarius grants you the courage needed to forge ahead in your romantic plans. The stars are still shining on you, Libra, blessing your desire to expand your family. If a baby is really what you want, now’s the perfect time to work your magic!

With such profound creative energy supporting you during this time, you and your partner must work to communicate through any struggles or misunderstandings. Miscommunication is one of the most common reasons why great relationships fail. Knowing this, it’s up to you to be sure that you don’t risk such a solid love on something trivial.

In the last quarter of the year, Jupiter transits to Scorpio, opening your soul to the desire to strengthen your spiritual connections. There’s a certain sense of calm that comes from knowing that your life is protected by omnipotent love drawn from a source that always sees the best in you, Libra.

Your angels aren’t the only ones who’ll be admiring you towards the end of the year. When Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, increase in your social status will encourage you to make solid commitments on an emotional level. Your heart and mind will merge as one, opening your eyes to the influx of blessings you’ve been privy to enjoy.

There’s a strong chance that Libra will desire to invest in a spiritually enriching ceremony. Marriage or a long-distance pilgrimage will prove to be an expense that’s well worth the investment. The way your soul opens to receive yet another supply of divine love will enrich your life on the deepest levels!

Libra is so fortunate to experience this consuming support. As you reflect on all the blessings that have been bestowed on you throughout 2018, you may be inspired to share this love with someone you’ve been admiring for quite a while. Libra could commit to a fascinating proposal just before the new year – setting the tone for the invigorating season to come!

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