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Leo Love Horoscope 2018

In 2018, Leo will need to put their romantic concerns to the side and fight for the love they know they deserve. Many believe that nothing worth having is ever easily won, and those words will certainly be put to the test when Mars transits to Scorpio at the start of the year. Stress in various areas of your life risk spilling over into your intimate affairs, which could create some dissension in your personal life, dear Leo.

Take heed to your partner’s concerns and do your best to watch your words, especially in the heat of the moment. Mars’ placement during the first quarter of the year could place your relationships on shaky territory.

When Jupiter retrogrades on March 9, you’ll have the opportunity to put your communication skills to the test. It’s challenging to see the bigger picture when you feel you’ve been wronged but, if you value this love and wish to continue to have it in your life, you’ll do your best to work through any lingering conflicts with your spouse.

In the second quarter, Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius which may add to the strain of your situation. Practice expressing your gratitude for any advances you’ve made together – no matter how small they may seem. When you consciously focus on the things you love about your partner, sour moments won’t last long before gently fading away. Instead of fighting, your energy is better spent concentrating on brighter days.

On July 10, Jupiter goes progressive in your house of courage and will. All the efforts you’ve put towards healing the strife in your relationship will finally begin to pay off. Even if it took a little longer than you expected, you and your partner will get to experience the benefits of being persistent and committed to making things better.

Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius on September 9, which only takes your love life through even more pleasant times. You’ll experience a streak of synchronicity in your personal relationships that prove that everything you and your partner overcame was only meant to make you better able to display the love shared between you. If you’ve been planning to start a family, this transit is an auspicious time to conceive. Good luck Leo, this could be a major milestone of 2018!

In the last quarter of the year, you and your partner will need to come together to push through any hurdles that may arise. When Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, you could be faced with a little turbulence in your relationship. Look to your partner as an ally – someone to lean on when faced with the tests and trials of the world. You work better when you move as a unit, Leo. Use your skills as a leader to show your spouse how to come closer together during troubling times.

At the close of 2018, Mars transits to Pisces which sends your confidence through the roof! Use this bolstering energy to courageously commit yourself to your lover in ways that prove just how special they are to you.

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