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Aquarius Love Horoscope 2018

The independent nature of your zodiac sets the tone for Aquarius to endure a mixed season as you navigate matters of the heart in 2018. For such a spiritually sensitive sign, it can be challenging for Aquarius to express their emotions.

It’s equally difficult for you to process the way other people feel, at times. You’ll be reminded of this recurring obstacle when you deal with conflicts with a father figure during Mars’ transit to Scorpio in mid-January. 

Later in the first quarter, you’ll be faced with yet another challenge as children create a little havoc for their Aquarian parents on March 7. Since Mars joins Saturn in Sagittarius during this time, your efforts toward reconciling matters may not take off as quickly as you’d like but, don’t worry dear friend, things will get better with time.

Life continues to put your patience to the test as Jupiter retrogrades two days after Mars’ transit. Since your luck may be running low, you could experience an unexpected spat with your partner. Remember, Aquarius, intimate relationships require you to put your guard down and let your vulnerabilities be exposed.

Though sacrifice isn’t always comfortable, it’ll do your situation a lot of good when Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius in the middle of April. The ups and downs your relationship goes through then are only a series of tests to prove the strength of your commitment.

Aquarius may be tempted to drift off alone as Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2. You could find yourself at odds with the people you love, and the distance put between you, your siblings and your partner may make you feel the need to be more withdrawn. There’s nothing wrong with going within to sort out any confusion that’s clouding your judgment, just don’t allow these upsets to cause you to burn bridges you may want to cross again one day.

The action planet closes the second quarter with a retrograde on June 27. With Mars spinning backwards, there is a chance that you’ll have to endure some trouble within your family. Before you allow disappointment to cloud your mind, try to shift your focus to concentrate on the good times you’ve spent together.

It may be up to you to take the initiative to create even more heart-warming memories, but the planets will be there to support you when Jupiter returns progressive on July 10. Your luck will start increasing with this momentous shift and any ongoing troubles will settle themselves. Look forward to seeing your relationship with your partner improve too. It’s time to rejoice, Aquarius, this is the break you’ve been waiting for!

Mars goes progressive at the end of August, helping you break free from the emotional bondage that created tension in your personal life. You’ll receive some unexpected help from family and friends, building familial bonds that open new opportunities for you all.

On September 9, Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius, which opens even more favourable doors. Now that your personal relationships are finally stable, feel free to move forward with pursuing your own goals. Thinking about all the success you’ve achieved, both in your professional and private life, Aquarius may begin to consider planning a family during Jupiter’s Scorpio transit in mid-October! Good luck as you take the first steps towards expanding your circle of love.

Make sure that you spend as much time as you can with the people who hold a dear place in your heart as you step into the last quarter of 2018. Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, creating a beneficial time for you to renew your connection with the object of your affection. Love is an unpredictable game that features more twists and turns than we’d ever expect. Fortunately, you know just what needs to be done to keep your romantic affairs together!

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