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Cancer Finance Horoscope 2021

You may go into this year with an urge to spend in order to sate uncomfortable emotions or distracting thoughts triggered by Venus moving into Capricorn on the 28th of January. You should guard against this from the beginning. Make sure that you allow yourself some little treats but be mindful about your savings. Your desire to indulge can be met in a balanced way. Finding a structured approach to money will do you the world of good. You start on a strong financial high and are encouraged to invest or save as money continues to pour in. Finding ways to make your money for you should be your mission and you are encouraged to seek out experts in the field. 

Prosperity runs from January to April, and on April 16th Jupiter moves into ambitious Capricorn which really sets you up for the rest of the year. By May, with Venus moving into Gemini on the 29th, you may be spending on your own development and progress. Returning to education may be an option. Expenses may rise up in June due to an urge to travel but by August you’ll enjoy increased profits as Mercury moves into Leo and leads to expansion. 

You end the year from a very prosperous perspective financially with Mercury in Sagittarius on December 10th keeping you looking forward, and the year pretty much follows a linear upward growth of wealth and success. One thing to be mindful of is that your spending habits can wax and wane much like your nature. This is a strength as well as a weakness. Try to stick to dividing your income three ways; one third into essentials, one into savings and one into fun spending. This will help keep you on the straight and narrow and ensure that you get through the year in a much stronger position from which you started.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Cancer Horoscope 2021


Cancer Love Horoscope 2021


Cancer Career Horoscope 2021


Cancer Family Horoscope 2021

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