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Taurus Finance Horoscope 2021

This year is one of financial fruit for you dear Taurus, so you have little to fret about. You start the year in a strong financial position but you may be drawn to habits of excess such as overeating or overspending which can diminish your funds quite quickly if you don’t exercise some discipline! The money is there, but you don’t always need to be spending it. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 5th and this encourages you to be a little prudent and wise when it comes to your spending. This is a good time to set positive habits for the rest of the year. 

Venus in Aries is all about travel and adventure and from the 10th April onwards, you’ll be desperate to get out and see the world. This can also be a time of great financial growth if you decide to stay home. By summer, you’ll see plenty of financial gain coming through which stands you in good stead for the rest of the year especially thanks to Mercury in Gemini on the 7th July which helps you to get creative and network fantastically well. Those of you with careers in media or performing arts will also notice financial success coming through. Things continue to hum along nicely towards the end of the year and property-related gain may come through for you. 

With Mercury moving into Libra on September 2nd, you’ll find that things continue to fare well on the financial front. Exploring your attitude to money can be an empowering choice as you reflect on needs versus wants, and this is encouraged as the year reaches a halt. You are an earth sign of great practicality and have the potential to make very wise investments and choices, but you can also be swayed by your desire for pleasure which can motivate you heavily. Striking a balance between the two is the key to your financial health and wellbeing. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Taurus Horoscope 2021


Taurus Love Horoscope 2021


Taurus Career Horoscope 2021


Taurus Family Horoscope 2021

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