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Libra Finance Horoscope 2021

Dear Libra, your attitude to money is fairly sensible overall. A cardinal sign, you like to build up resources and are attracted to things of beauty and worth, especially if they can accrue value over time. You come from a place of abundance at the start of this year and this includes financially. You owe this to Venus’s movement into Capricorn on the 28th – this sign means business! You’ll be able to buy things that improve your home, appearance and workspace and you have an eye for the little details. 

As of early spring, you’ll see a hike in your income which will be pleasantly received but overall this year there will be ebbs and flows with your money. If you can start the year with a solid financial plan you will fare well so try to establish this as quickly as possible. In June, for example, you’ll experience both monetary loss (with Mercury in Cancer from June 2nd) and unexpected financial gain (thanks to Mercury in Taurus from June 3rd) so some months you may not build up savings – you’ll come out as you went in. By July, you are advised to make investments as you enjoy a time of plenty thanks to the abundance of Venus in Leo from the 17th. 

Consider your own sign of the scales, your finances experience an up-down momentum and you want to bring them to a place of balance. This is a good year to really start consulting with experts so that you can get a good handle on your finances once and for all. You should end the year on a stable financial note if you are wise with your expenditure but you may not be in as strong a financial position as you started – wise investments and financial choices will make the world of difference. This month brings boundless optimism to your financial dealings. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Libra Horoscope 2021


Libra Love Horoscope 2021


Libra Career Horoscope 2021


Libra Family Horoscope 2021

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