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Leo Finance Horoscope 2021

Leo is a sign that is guaranteed wealth due to its fixed nature. For Leo natives, things have a tendency to build over time rather than to flood in all at once; this is reflected well by the sign of patience. If you can stick to a course, you’ll be blessed with well-deserved rewards. The start of this year is one of great success but financially things may be a little low. You are still able to live comfortably but you are just not starting out at your highest point. It may be that you have chosen a career that pays less but is more emotionally fulfilling and rewarding or it could just be that you need to work your way up within a company before you see the spoils. 

Of course, as King of the jungle, you find your way to the top inevitably. By April you’ll notice money starts to flow in with Mercury in Aries from the 16th and this will mostly stabilise mid-year which gives you something to count on. Be mindful of a financial dip on 17th August that you need to be prepared for. By September you experience a much-welcomed hike in income and develop a better understanding of how your money can serve you well. It will help you reach for the stars in practical ways. You end the year comfortably and in a strong position. 

Remember that your sign always gravitates to success and achievement. You are ambitious at your core and your financial world reflects this profoundly. Mars moves into Scorpio on the 5th December which gives you great financial instincts. Keep working hard, take one step and then the next and you’ll see a glittering golden future ahead of you. Prosperity is your birthright. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Leo Horoscope 2021


Leo Love Horoscope 2021


Leo Career Horoscope 2021


Leo Family Horoscope 2021

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