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- Scorpio health horoscope
Select your sun sign for weekly horoscope
21/3 - 19/4
20/4 - 20/5
21/5 - 20/6
21/6 - 22/7
23/7 - 22/8
23/8 - 22/9
23/9 - 22/10
23/10 - 21/11
22/11 - 21/12
22/12 - 19/1
20/1 - 18/2
19/2 - 20/3
This week you may also experience disturbances in your health routine. You will find reasons to skip your daily exercises. Your lazy side will overpower your will and this laid back attitude towards your routine can bring a dull feeling in you. Those of you who had planned to start a fresh fitness routine may not be about to execute the same. You might end up missing your yoga classes and gym sessions. AstroYogi astrologers say that the week will bring ill feelings as your expected routine will not come to effect and the laziness and lethargy will bring negativity.
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