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Leo Health Horoscope 2017

You need to make some serious health changes at the beginning of this year, Leo. Your pleasure seeking ways often lead you to unhealthy choices. January, February and March should be spent concentrating on lifestyle changes. You should alter you diet by eating fewer processed foods. You also need to begin a strength training regimen and increase your aerobic activity. Do something that inspires your fiery nature, like spinning or Latin dancing.


If you don't start making changes, Leo, you may see a health issue rise up in April, when Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius. Your chances for a health problem also increase in August, but this can all be avoided by a disciplined change in lifestyle habits. Take your pleasures in moderation and reduce your anger and aggression through meditation or aromatherapy.  By the year's end, your new healthier regimen will have your fires burning bright!


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