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Leo Finance Horoscope 2017

Cease your spending, Leo. The beginning of this year you will be struggling with higher expenses. These can be reduced, as much of your money goes toward wants, rather than needs. Don't distress, Leo, as you do not have to give up on those special pleasures. Reassess your budget and get rid of the excesses that drain you, rather than refresh you.  On April 6, with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, you may experience some financial problems. Perhaps, a legal issue will cost more than expected or a debt may need to be paid.


Remember to cool your fire at this time, my friend, and don't allow your ego to take over. Approach the problem calmly and logically, and you will find a way to resolve the issue with very little stress involved. Use your beautiful, brilliant fire wisely in 2017, Leo, and it will be an epic year for you.  Learn when to burn hot and when to cool off, and great success in life will be yours by the end of the year!

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Leo Horoscope 2017

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Leo Career Horoscope 2017

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Leo Health Horoscope 2017

You need to make some serious health changes at the beginning of this year, Leo. Your pleasure seeking ways often lead you to unhealthy choices. January, Februa...

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