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Leo Horoscope 2017

Leo, you are a true pleasure seeker, and 2017 promises to bring you a great deal of that which you love most, my friend. Your rewards will come as you show the Universe that you can control your ego and lessen the drama in your life. For you, Leo, all of life is a stage!  Sometimes, this point of view works very well for you, as it brings you all of the wonderful attention that you crave, but at other times, this dramatic philosophy brings you distress.

This year, Leo, only accept the starring roles, and learn to weed out all of the bad scripts. In February, with Jupiter retrograde in Virgo, you will begin to be tested, as a number of obstacles will face you, involving money, family and career. Don't get overheated, angry and demanding, my fiery friend, during these trials.  Instead, take a softer approach and try to listen to the other side. This approach will help you sail smoothly through these trials. In August, you will find yourself feeling on fire, Leo. You will be burning to try something new, whether it be in love or business, but this is not the time to blaze, my friend.

Take it easy and don't be too aggressive with any endeavor. You will find a less aggressive approach will bring you more reward this time. When December rolls around, Leo, you can relight your fire. This is the time to try that crazy, new adventure which you have recently been pondering.  This year, it's all about you learning to control your fire. There will be times to burn bright and times to let your embers cool. You will discover the difference throughout 2017, Leo, and your heart, mind and body will be stronger than ever before!


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Leo Health Horoscope 2017

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