Yearly Horoscope 2017

Yearly Horoscope 2017

With 2017 round the corner everyone has a volley of questions; ‘Will this New Year 2017 be better than the year gone by?’; ‘Will my relationship be successful?’; ‘Will I find the partner of my dreams in 2017, and could marriage be a possibility?’; ‘Will my financial situation get better this year?’; ‘Will I come across an exciting job opportunity?’ As the New Year sets in, you wait for new opportunities, positive changes, new hopes to make your lives better or to start things afresh.

There is no denying the fact that knowing what is in store for you in terms of love, career, well-being, family and money lends itself well to solving the mystery of what the year ahead brings, and how you can plan for it better. Will Mercury in retrograde trouble me this year? If so, when. Will Venus and Mars go direct?

Astroyogi astrologers are a team of well qualified and experienced professionals. They delve deep into the planetary movements and study the impact of these movements throughout the year on each of us, to bring you one of the best and most accurate 2017 forecasts for the year ahead online today.

Instead of worrying and wondering about what 2017 has in store, relax and get started with reading your 2017 yearly horoscope and get answers to your dilemmas.

Our team of astrologers bring you horoscopes catering to different areas of your life like family, career, finance, love and health. No one can change the future but astrological predictions can help you prepare well to make the most of auspicious planetary positions and how best to reduce the effects of malefic planets. Get started right away and enjoy reading your full 2017 Year Ahead Horoscope.

Choose your sun sign to read your 2017 annual horoscope

Aries Horoscope 2017

The coming year has much excitement in store for you, passionate Aries. There will be challenges to overcome, new lessons to learn and life issues to face head on, but with your optimistic nature and natural born leadership skills, you can take all of this in an easy stride. The year will bring you success in multiple ways, my fiery friend, if you continue to harvest that famous positive attitude. Although you prefer success to come to you quickl...


Taurus Horoscope 2017

You are the quiet, dependable rock, dear Taurus. You take solace in organization, and like it very much when all of your ducks are in order. This year, you will find that these fundamental personality traits will be challenged, as 2017 is a year of change for you.  Don't panic, my patient friend, this year of change is good!  The Universe will ensure it all goes smoothly for you, as long as you are willing to relax your stubborn nature and embrac...


Gemini Horoscope 2017

This is the year, Gemini, when all of your hard work and dedication will begin to pay off in all elements of life: career, family, love, health and money.  The Universe acknowledges that you've been striving hard to reach your goals, and the rewards will be plentiful in 2017, as long as you are able to maintain focus, structure and discipline in each of your endeavors. This is not easy for you, my light-hearted friend, as you tend to operate like...


Cancer Horoscope 2017

2017 is a good year to concentrate on what's most important to you, Cancer:  the comforts of domesticity, family and friends. You will find great surprises and rewards if you stick close to home this year; your familial and personal relationships will strengthen, and your home will transform into that place of serenity and security that you have been longing to create. Beginning the year, around early March, when Venus is retrograde in Pisces, yo...


Leo Horoscope 2017

Leo, you are a true pleasure seeker, and 2017 promises to bring you a great deal of that which you love most, my friend. Your rewards will come as you show the Universe that you can control your ego and lessen the drama in your life. For you, Leo, all of life is a stage!  Sometimes, this point of view works very well for you, as it brings you all of the wonderful attention that you crave, but at other times, this dramatic philosophy brings you di...


Virgo Horoscope 2017

You are highly practiced at being practical, Virgo, and your organized and analytical approach to life provides you with a strong sense of peace and stability. 2017 will be a good year for you, my Earthy friend, but there will be times that the Universe will shake things up. You will experience moments of chaos that will make you uncomfortable, and your constant search for perfection will be challenged. This is only the Universe offering you oppo...


Libra Horoscope 2017

Libra, you are the friend of the world!  Always charming, you have the gift of making others feel loved and important. This talent will bring you many treasures in 2017. You can expect to gain a refreshing balance and harmony at home and at work, and a strengthening of your partnerships in both love and family throughout the year, but some challenges may affect your light and airy nature.  Libra, you like to try and please everyone around you, an...


Scorpio Horoscope 2017

You move through life like the element that represents you, Scorpio. Like Water, you are an enigma of wondrous extremes. On day, you are calm and collected, with a glassy surface; the next, you are a tidal wave headed for shore. Your liquid nature makes you both highly energetic and highly emotional. Both of these attributes sometimes overwhelm you in life, but in 2017, the Universe offers you great opportunities to learn to control your emotions...


Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

Your natural optimism has been a powerful force for you throughout your life, Sagittarius, and it will continue to assist you throughout 2017. You are truly a free spirit, and you dearly value your independence. This is a wonderful attribute, but this year you will have the opportunity to develop more lasting relationships in both love and work that will require commitment from you, my fiery friend.  Commitment is difficult for you, as you don't ...


Capricorn Horoscope 2017

Your ambition is impressive, Capricorn. You aspire to great things, and expect nothing but ultimate success in love, business and family. The Universe respects your desire to succeed, but in 2017, you will need to step carefully regarding the path you take on your way to success. Remember that although you are industrious and competitive, you have many people surrounding you that are a huge support system.  Don't forget these important people; re...


Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Ah, lovely Aquarius, the most original of all the sun signs, you are a leader in every way, and you refuse to follow the crowd. You have your own ideas, and nothing makes you happier than to see your dreams come to life. You will have numerous opportunities to fulfill your aspirations this year, Aquarius, as 2017 will bring you many good things domestically and financially. You will face new challenges as well; these are situations that may test ...


Pisces Horoscope 2017

The most intuitive of all the sun signs, Pisces, you have a rich imagination and a deep, sensitive soul. In 2017, you can expect new growth in spirituality, love and familial relationships, as well as a period of intense creativity and productivity. Your intuition will help you a great deal this year, with business and personal relationships. You have always relied on your good instincts, so remain faithful to that this year, as in 2017, you may ...
