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Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2017

Finances look good for you this year, Scorpio. You have been working hard on increasing positive frequency in your life, and money will be coming to you throughout the year because of your efforts.  August 26, when Saturn directs in Scorpio, is a particularly good time for financial gain. This is the time for you to launch a new project, make an investment or get a loan.

During late October, when Saturn moves to Sagittarius, some money will come to you completely unexpectedly, possibly through inheritance or by winning a competition.  Use your financial gain in 2017 wisely; my friend, do not make wasteful or extravagant spending choices, and you will see positive financial gain by December.

 Focus on positivity in 2017, Scorpio. Make efforts to learn to control your thoughts and feelings, and these efforts will help you gain control of all aspects of your life. You will see gains in love, career and finances this year, Scorpio.  You will also see a tremendous gain in your well-being!

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