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Scorpio Horoscope 2017

You move through life like the element that represents you, Scorpio. Like Water, you are an enigma of wondrous extremes. On day, you are calm and collected, with a glassy surface; the next, you are a tidal wave headed for shore. Your liquid nature makes you both highly energetic and highly emotional. Both of these attributes sometimes overwhelm you in life, but in 2017, the Universe offers you great opportunities to learn to control your emotions and harness your energy, which will create many wonderful new things in your life.

Water can alter terrain and power great cities, and you have that amazing power within yourself, Scorpio. Positive thinking and emotional reasoning will help you gain control over your own power. Early in the year, on January 27, when Saturn moves to Sagittarius, a very positive time for you begins. This is the time to prepare for the year ahead; this is the time to change your outlook on life and the way you approach life's challenges. Start reading self-help books regarding how to change negative thoughts to neutral or positive thoughts. You will experience some pressures at work during this time and possibly some dental problems. Small obstacles like these can bring you over the edge if you allow your emotions to take charge.

You will see more challenges arise around April 6, with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, and you may feel a bit depressed. You are prone to depression; Scorpio, it is a part of your nature and nothing to be ashamed of. April is the time to think about getting help for this in a big way. It will change your life for the better and allow you to be more successful in every way. Going to see a therapist is a great idea, as these professionals can teach you many tools for staying positive and avoiding depressive states. It will also be great for you to join a social group at this time, such as a book club, Toastmaster's group or gaming club.  Socialization will help you feel like an important and intricate part of your community.

By August, all of this tough emotional work comes to fruition, as you will be feeling stronger and more positive, Scorpio.  You will begin to feel as though you can take on the world, and by year's end, you will see much improvement in all areas of your life!

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