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Taurus Finance Horoscope 2017

The beginning of this year will affect changes in your finances, Taurus, with Saturn moving into Sagittarius on January 26. You will begin to feel like you are getting ahead money-wise. The first few months of the year, you should have little problem keeping up with the bills. In April, when Mercury is retrograde in Aries, expect to see expenses rise. You won't be able to control this at first, my determined friend, but don't panic. Keep doing what you do best: remain conservative and don't make any wasteful purchases.

You are a lover of luxury, dear Taurus, but in April you may have to sit tight a bit and wait for the financial fires to cool.  By October, things will start to get back on track, and in December, with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, everything will be back to normal.

Keep your cool this year, Taurus. Don't let change overwhelm you.  You are notorious for being a high achiever in all that you do, because you are calm and patient, and you never ever give up on a dream. In 2017, remember that change is good for you. You need to be uprooted and replanted in a larger, more beautiful place, Taurus, so that you may grow stronger. 

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