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Taurus Love Horoscope 2017

In love, Taurus, you appreciate stability and security above all else.  You always welcome warm, comfortable, safe relationships, and you prize a loyal and loving partner. If you are happy and comfortable in your current relationship, you will find that in April, when Mercury is retrograde in Aries, something happens to rattle your perfect security. Perhaps, your partner makes a drastic career change, or a conversation between the two of you doesn't go quite as expected.  Don't fret, Taurus, allow yourself to feel the discomfort, push through it, and you will see this change of terms will actually benefit your love affair tremendously.


If you are looking for love, my earthy friend, be patient until May, when Mercury directs in Aries.  May will be a glorious month in 2017 for Taurus signs in love and those searching for passion. During this time, be open to attending social events and pay careful attention to your appearance when you do every day errands.  Your new love interest is very close by. May is also a great time for all Taurians to reconnect with old friends. If you've been hesitant to reconnect, send out that email sometime this month...a new, rekindled friendship will surprise you, and by November, this friendship will be a very important part of your life.

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Taurus Horoscope 2017

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Taurus Career Horoscope 2017

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Taurus Finance Horoscope 2017

The beginning of this year will affect changes in your finances, Taurus, with Saturn moving into Sagittarius on January 26. You will begin to feel like you are ...


Taurus Health Horoscope 2017

You are feeling great in 2017, dear Taurus!  Your health is as you like it: dependable, stable and consistent. You have an important health and wellness regimen...

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