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Virgo Love Horoscope 2017

You are careful when it comes to love, my friend.  To your lover, at first you appear cool and unreachable, but this is only Virgo's protective nature in action. You are a sensuous and passionate lover, once you trust your partner completely. For Virgos currently in a relationship, you may experience conflict with your love around February 6, when Jupiter is retrograde in Virgo. Likely, you are expecting way too much form your love interest. Your unquenchable need for perfection is not only about you; my friend, you also seek perfection in your lover.  Remember to lighten up and accept, or at least, ignore the faults you find in others.  If your lover is a little sloppy or a bit too talkative, let it go. Focus on the wonderful, positive characteristics you love about this person. If you hyper-focus on the good stuff, all of the conflict will disappear.


February is not a good time for those Virgos in search of passion, however.  If you are looking for the perfect mate, wait until March, when Venus is retrograde in Pisces. This time period will provide an added boost to your self-confidence.  This is the time to go on a blind date or ask that sexy coworker out for some java. By December, with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, love and affection grows for all Virgos in relationships with lovers, friends and family.


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