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Virgo Horoscope 2017

You are highly practiced at being practical, Virgo, and your organized and analytical approach to life provides you with a strong sense of peace and stability. 2017 will be a good year for you, my Earthy friend, but there will be times that the Universe will shake things up. You will experience moments of chaos that will make you uncomfortable, and your constant search for perfection will be challenged. This is only the Universe offering you opportunities for growth.  You are all about self-improvement, Virgo, and you are hard on yourself and on friends and family.

In 2017, you will have multiple opportunities to soften your critical side and give your beautiful self the chance to relax and enjoy the chaos.  Early in the year, Virgo experiences saturn's afflication onset, on January 27, which is when you will begin to be tested.  January is the time to practice tolerance and acceptance of those around you, and to try to make efforts to be less critical.  Understand that although the seeking of perfection is admirable, it is virtually impossible to achieve, especially for non-Virgos. Be more forgiving of mistakes made by others; the time is now to let small things roll off your back. If you do this early, you may avoid conflicts with family that will arise in February, when Jupiter is retrograde in Virgo.

It is difficult for you to relinquish control and allow the world to do as it will. This is your greatest life challenge, my practical friend, but you can do it. In March, with Venus retrograde in Pisces, you will feel very strong psychologically. This is the time to focus on self-improvement, not in an attempt to be more perfect, but rather in an attempt to be less so. Realize that you already are a perfect being, Virgo, and let yourself be at peace!

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Virgo Health Horoscope 2017

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