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Aquarius Health Horoscope 2018

Aquarius is an air sign, making you a master of thought. With all the activity that takes place inside your head, your analytical ability can prove to be both a gift and a curse. The year 2018 will present a few mental challenges for you, dear friend, but it’s only an invitation to test your thinking abilities and prove your natural skills to elevate to new levels of understanding.

On January 17, Mars transits to Scorpio, reminding you of the importance of keeping your cool. Although you may experience some upset with a father figure, this isn’t the time for you to allow your emotions to get the best of you. This first quarter transit also marks the time for Aquarius to make a bold professional adjustment. You need to keep your head clear, so you can thoroughly weigh your options.

As Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, you’ll experience a few delays in your affairs. Stagnation isn’t an indicator that you’ve fallen behind, so don’t let stress consume you during this time. Fearing illness only volunteers your power, dear friend. Try asserting your right to good health to manifest a rapid recovery instead.

Jupiter retrogrades at the start of March, which could take a toll on your physical fitness. Procrastinating on your health goals will only make it harder for you to get back into the swing of things, Aquarius. It’s time to get serious and make your health a priority. You can do it!

In mid-April, Saturn retrogrades, which means you’ll need to work even harder to achieve your desired results. Even if your health seems to decline, stay focused on your objectives. If you aren’t dealing with an illness during this time, stay alert during your travels, no matter how far. This retrograde in Sagittarius presents the risk of Aquarius having an accident.

Despite the risk you’ll take when Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2, there’s nothing that can decrease your confidence, dear friend. Any wins or losses you endure will certainly be taken in stride.

It’s great that you know how to remain optimistic, especially when it comes to pursuing your dreams. You should do your best to apply this same conscious shift in perspective as mental stressors start to overwhelm you toward the end of the second quarter. Agitation and disappointment are just temporary distractions – don’t let external upsets steal your happiness, Aquarius.

The stronger you stand, the sooner you’ll start attracting situations that move in your favor. If you pass the tests the planets delivered during the retrograde, you’ll witness the first fruits from your efforts when Jupiter returns progressive on July 10. Aquarius’ luck will rise and your burdens will seem to settle, giving you the courage needed to keep striving toward your objectives.

Bask in the glory of your own understanding, especially when Mars returns progressive on August 31. Saturn also goes direct in Sagittarius on September 9, this third quarter shift only continues to feed Aquarius’ confidence; and your health will drastically improve, as a result of your dedication!

During the last quarter of 2018, Aquarius’ life will find its balance again. With your health stabilized and your conscious clear, you may decide to give back to a special organization. As Mars transits into your zodiac, you could feel compelled to host a soul-awakening spiritual event.

Though you usually find peace in your solitude, the revelations you come to during this year’s evolution will inspire you to pay that wisdom forward, sowing seeds of good karma that will reap rewards for you in the future!

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