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Aquarius Health Horoscope 2019

Aquarius, you admire and seek honesty above all. So let us be forth coming with respect to your health in the year 2019. Your health will be a mixed bag in 2019, with periods of being hale and hearty followed by bouts of sickness. You may overtire your mind and body due to the hectic work schedule. You may find that you are falling sick frequently during the initial months, only half the blame lies with your weak immune system the other half can be attributed to you pushing your body to the extreme.

The middle of the year brings some relief as your mental stress will be reduced by some positive changes on the work front after May 2019. A stomach related problem might arise during the June-July months. You have to be very particular about what you eat and follow the advice of your doctor strictly. Having a good exercise regime will resolve weight gain issues in 2019. You will sense a boost in your energy levels when you start losing that extra weight you've been carrying around. During the Saturn Retrograde in April you may experience some tension, headaches, and, muscle strain due to stress. This may be induced by some obstacles that you will be overcoming in your career, all will be resolved soon. So don’t worry. In the meantime, do some things to assuage the stress and to increase your sense of relaxation and well-being. Take a break from work; spend some quality time with family and friends. This year, sound health and abundant energy will enable you to cope with a hectic schedule without any difficulty in general. However, do not forget to plan some recreational activities and getaways to get some much-needed rest and relaxation. Your home may be full of activities during the June-July months that will have you running from pillar to post. Luckily you will be able to sail through the year with little difficulty thanks to good health and the free flow of energy.

With an increase in relaxation and positive energy in your life, you will feel physically and mentally positive. Negative and depressive thoughts may elevate your anger and the sense of insecurity during the June and July months. This may cause problems for Aquarians who are diabetic or have blood pressure issues. Though health concerns will be minimal for you in 2019, be sure to do a health examination early in the year, around January or February. You may need to make alterations to your diet by adding a bit more fibre, and you may also want to restart your exercise regime in the morning. You like to exercise, but you get bored easily, therefore, it takes determination to stick to this program. If you are suffering from heart-related issues, then reduce your non-veg intake, especially red meat ,and, avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Your diet should be healthy consisting of green-leafy vegetables and very less oil.

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