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Cancer Career Horoscope 2021

You start this year on a professional high with others noticing your power and potential. You have a gentle way of stirring others interest with Mercury moving into Aquarius on the 25th and your tenacity, big heart and hard work really win people over. You may even begin the year with a promotion or new role. The opportunities truly are endless. Try not to listen to that little voice of imposter syndrome for it lies and does not have your best interests at heart. Your connections in the workplace will see you accelerate up the ladder. These will be authentic rather than networking opportunities, for you are not one to be artificial with others. 

By April 16 Mercury moves into Aries and you feel comfortable enough to share your ideas and expectations in the workplace and may find yourself in a position of leadership. You’ll do things differently to how they’ve been done before and leave others feeling inspired and motivated. Trusting in yourself is important now for you have a feel for where things should go. By May 4 there is a strong desire to start your own business or to put out the feelers for how this might work due to Venuses moving into earthy Taurus. 

September represents a career peak for you and your performance will be farewell for many reasons including your ever-increasing confidence and ability to communicate well with others, you have Venus in Libra to thank for this... October presents a time of stability and growth in business whilst December brings things to a neat and tidy conclusion. You’ll be exactly where you need to be and be brimming with ideas for the future of work. You’ll be curious, interested and passionate when it comes to where your career can go next. The sun is always looking for something new to shine its light on. Dream big. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Cancer Horoscope 2021


Cancer Love Horoscope 2021


Cancer Finance Horoscope 2021


Cancer Family Horoscope 2021

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