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Libra Career Horoscope 2021

You know that things are about to change for the better. From the 14th January, you bring a very positive attitude to your career and plenty of motivation that allows you to network with ease and build a very strong body of support. This is key to your success as an air sign connections, collaboration and communication fortify you and help keep you encouraged. Whether it’s spearheading a team or working closely with others, you certainly do not operate as a lone wolf. Abundance operates in your professional life. 

As of February, you’ll experience a surge of professional growth which continues through to June where you begin to absolutely shine in the workplace. If you haven’t been noticed before you will now make sure you say yes to any opportunities that come up for you. Meeting someone at work is highly likely. 

Towards autumn, with Mercury moving into cardinal Libra on the 22nd September, you begin to think about the expansion of your business and how you can grow your own income. You want to have more autonomy and greater independence and your career is important to your wellbeing and sense of joy so it will always be a key priority of yours. 

Being able to use your brain, wit and charm and working with others is important to you. You should avoid working alone in a silo as this could lead to depression and resentment. By November 2nd, Jupiter moves into Aquarius which causes you to use a little edge in your temperament to secure and lockdown important deals at work. You’ll round the year off with a strong sense of completion – all is well.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Libra Horoscope 2021


Libra Love Horoscope 2021


Libra Finance Horoscope 2021


Libra Family Horoscope 2021

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